[HTML][HTML] Characterization of pneumatic muscle actuators and their implementation on an elbow exoskeleton with a novel hinge design
The exoskeleton plays an essential role in the field of physical rehabilitation. Several
actuators are used for the exoskeleton application, but the pneumatic muscle actuator has …
actuators are used for the exoskeleton application, but the pneumatic muscle actuator has …
Trajectory tracking using online learning LQR with adaptive learning control of a leg-exoskeleton for disorder gait rehabilitation
N Ajjanaromvat, M Parnichkun - Mechatronics, 2018 - Elsevier
Precise trajectory tracking of gait pattern under varied load condition is necessary for
rehabilitation using leg exoskeleton. In this paper, online iterative learning linear quadratic …
rehabilitation using leg exoskeleton. In this paper, online iterative learning linear quadratic …
Model-based tracking control design, implementation of embedded digital controller and testing of a biomechatronic device for robotic rehabilitation
In this paper, the tracking control problem of a biomimetic exoskeleton powered by a pair of
pneumatic artificial muscles is considered. The antagonistic configuration of the pair of …
pneumatic artificial muscles is considered. The antagonistic configuration of the pair of …
A modified asymmetric generalized Prandtl–Ishlinskii model for characterizing the irregular asymmetric hysteresis of self-made pneumatic muscle actuators
S ** force planning and control for tendon-driven anthropomorphic prosthetic hands
H Deng, H Luo, R Wang, Y Zhang - Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2018 - Springer
A force planning and control method is proposed for a tendon-driven anthropomorphic
prosthetic hand. It is necessary to consider gras** stability for the anthropomorphic …
prosthetic hand. It is necessary to consider gras** stability for the anthropomorphic …
[HTML][HTML] A multistate friction model for the compensation of the asymmetric hysteresis in the mechanical response of pneumatic artificial muscles
These days, biomimetic and compliant actuators have been made available to the main
applications of rehabilitation and assistive robotics. In this context, the interaction control of …
applications of rehabilitation and assistive robotics. In this context, the interaction control of …
Control oriented modeling of an electro-pneumatic gearbox actuator
The paper deals with the modeling of an electropneumatic gearbox actuator. The objective
of the research is to develop the nonlinear, mathematical model of an electropneumatic …
of the research is to develop the nonlinear, mathematical model of an electropneumatic …