Learning classifier systems: a complete introduction, review, and roadmap

RJ Urbanowicz, JH Moore - Journal of Artificial Evolution and …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
If complexity is your problem, learning classifier systems (LCSs) may offer a solution. These
rule‐based, multifaceted, machine learning algorithms originated and have evolved in the …

Sentiment analysis and spam detection in short informal text using learning classifier systems

MH Arif, J Li, M Iqbal, K Liu - Soft Computing, 2018 - Springer
Sentiment analysis of public views and spam detection from social media text messages are
two challenging data analysis tasks due to short informal text. This paper investigates the …

An overview of LCS research from 2020 to 2021

D Pätzel, M Heider, ARM Wagner - Proceedings of the Genetic and …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
The International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems (IWLCS) is an annual workshop
at the GECCO conference where new concepts and results regarding learning classifier …

Optimizing XCSR for text classification

MH Arif, J Li, M Iqbal, H Peng - 2017 IEEE Symposium on …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
XCS, an evolutionary computing technique, can classify data using both bit strings and real
valued representations." Real valued XCS"(XCSR) commonly uses the min max interval …

[HTML][HTML] Estimating probabilistic context-free grammars for proteins using contact map constraints

W Dyrka, M Pyzik, F Coste, H Talibart - PeerJ, 2019 - peerj.com
Interactions between amino acids that are close in the spatial structure, but not necessarily
in the sequence, play important structural and functional roles in proteins. These non-local …

Learning context-free grammar using improved tabular representation

O Unold, M Jaworski - Applied Soft Computing, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper describes an improved version of TBL algorithm [Y. Sakakibara, Learning context-
free grammars using tabular representations, Pattern Recognition 38 (2005) 1372–1383; Y …

Fuzzy grammar-based prediction of amyloidogenic regions

O Unold - International Conference on Grammatical …, 2012 - proceedings.mlr.press
In this paper, we address the problem of predicting the location of amyloidogenic regions in
proteins. The language of protein sequence can be described by using a formal system such …

[PDF][PDF] Improved TBL algorithm for learning context-free grammar

M Jaworski, O Unold - Proceedings of the International Multiconference on …, 2007 - Citeseer
In this paper we introduce some improvements to the tabular representation algorithm (TBL)
dedicated to inference of grammars in Chomsky normal form. TBL algorithm uses a Genetic …

Grammar-based classifier system for recognition of promoter regions

O Unold - International Conference on Adaptive and Natural …, 2007 - Springer
Identifying bacterial promoters is an important step towards understanding gene regulation.
In this paper, we address the problem of predicting the location of promoters in Escherichia …

[PDF][PDF] Unsupervised statistical learning of context-free grammar

O Unold, M Gabor, W Wieczorek - 2020 - opus.us.edu.pl
In this paper, we address the problem of inducing (weighted) context-free grammar (WCFG)
on data given. The induction is performed by using a new model of grammatical inference …