Underwater networked wireless sensor data collection for computational intelligence techniques: issues, challenges, and approaches
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) is emerging as an advance terminology for
monitoring and controlling the underwater aquatic life. This technology determines the …
monitoring and controlling the underwater aquatic life. This technology determines the …
[HTML][HTML] Data aggregation in underwater wireless sensor network: Recent approaches and issues
Abstract Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN) technology is widely used in various
underwater monitoring and exploration applications and has proven its high stature. Since …
underwater monitoring and exploration applications and has proven its high stature. Since …
SAPDA: secure authentication with protected data aggregation scheme for improving QoS in scalable and survivable UWSNs
Security is one of the main objectives while designing protocols for underwater wireless
sensor networks (UWSN), since the sensors in UWSN are vulnerable to malicious attack. So …
sensor networks (UWSN), since the sensors in UWSN are vulnerable to malicious attack. So …
An overview of periodic wireless sensor networks to the internet of things
Through developments in digital electronics and wireless technology, a variety of tiny
devices have begun to be used in many aspects of everyday life. These devices can sense …
devices have begun to be used in many aspects of everyday life. These devices can sense …
Research on localization algorithms based on acoustic communication for underwater sensor networks
J Luo, L Fan, S Wu, X Yan - Sensors, 2017 - mdpi.com
The water source, as a significant body of the earth, with a high value, serves as a hot topic
to study Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSNs). Various applications can be realized based …
to study Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSNs). Various applications can be realized based …
An enhanced K-means and ANOVA-based clustering approach for similarity aggregation in underwater wireless sensor networks
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have recently been proposed as a way to
observe and explore aquatic environments. Sensors in such networks are used to perform …
observe and explore aquatic environments. Sensors in such networks are used to perform …
Similarity-aware data aggregation using fuzzy c-means approach for wireless sensor networks
R Wan, N **ong, Q Hu, H Wang, J Shang - EURASIP Journal on Wireless …, 2019 - Springer
For resource-constrained IoT systems, data collection is one of the fundamental operations
to reduce the energy dissipation of sensor nodes and improve the network lifetime …
to reduce the energy dissipation of sensor nodes and improve the network lifetime …
The evolution of data gathering static and mobility models in underwater wireless sensor networks: A survey
O Gupta, N Goyal - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized …, 2021 - Springer
Underwater communication in underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN) is an emergent
advance terminology for the discovery and monitoring of underwater resources and aquatic …
advance terminology for the discovery and monitoring of underwater resources and aquatic …
Protocol stack of underwater wireless sensor network: classical approaches and new trends
The oceans and rivers remain the least explored frontiers on earth but due to frequent
occurrences of disasters or calamities, the researchers have shown keen interest towards …
occurrences of disasters or calamities, the researchers have shown keen interest towards …
A distance-based data aggregation technique for periodic sensor networks
Monitoring phenomena and environments is an emergent and required field in our today
systems and applications. Hence, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted …
systems and applications. Hence, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted …