[HTML][HTML] Lithosphere thickness controls the extent of mantle melting, depth of melt extraction and basalt compositions in all tectonic settings on Earth–A review and …
Y Niu - Earth-Science Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
Basalts and basaltic rocks are the most abundant igneous rocks on the earth and their
petrologic and geochemical studies have formed our knowledge base on the thermal …
petrologic and geochemical studies have formed our knowledge base on the thermal …
Tonalite–granodiorite suites as cotectic systems: A review of experimental studies with applications to granitoid petrogenesis
A Castro - Earth-Science Reviews, 2013 - Elsevier
Granodiorites and tonalites (Granotonalites in this review paper) form large batholiths at
active continental margins and collisional orogens. Although the relation with subduction is …
active continental margins and collisional orogens. Although the relation with subduction is …
A secondary atmosphere on the rocky exoplanet 55 Cancri e
Characterizing rocky exoplanets is a central aim of astronomy, and yet the search for
atmospheres on rocky exoplanets has so far resulted in either tight upper limits on the …
atmospheres on rocky exoplanets has so far resulted in either tight upper limits on the …
Thermodynamics of high entropy oxides
With the hype of “high entropy” alloys and more recently,“high entropy” ceramics and “high
entropy” oxides (HEOs), there has been a great push to investigate and characterize …
entropy” oxides (HEOs), there has been a great push to investigate and characterize …
Zircon saturation re-revisited
Improvements in experimental, analytical and computational methodologies together with
published studies yielding seemingly contradictory results prompted us to return to the …
published studies yielding seemingly contradictory results prompted us to return to the …
Rhyolite-MELTS: a modified calibration of MELTS optimized for silica-rich, fluid-bearing magmatic systems
Silicic magma systems are of great scientific interest and societal importance owing to their
role in the evolution of the crust and the hazards posed by volcanic eruptions. MELTS is a …
role in the evolution of the crust and the hazards posed by volcanic eruptions. MELTS is a …
Fractional crystallization of primitive, hydrous arc magmas: an experimental study at 0.7 GPa
Differentiation of mantle-derived, hydrous, basaltic magmas is a fundamental process to
produce evolved intermediate to SiO 2-rich magmas that form the bulk of the middle to …
produce evolved intermediate to SiO 2-rich magmas that form the bulk of the middle to …
Detailed petrogenesis of the unsampled Oceanus Procellarum: The case of the Chang'e-5 mare basalts
Lunar mare basalts provide a probe to study the magmatic and thermal evolution of the
Moon. The Chang'e-5 (CE-5) mission returned samples from a young and hitherto …
Moon. The Chang'e-5 (CE-5) mission returned samples from a young and hitherto …
Thermodynamics of mantle minerals-II. Phase equilibria
We complete the development and description of a thermodynamic method for the
computation of phase equilibria and physical properties of multiphase mantle assemblages …
computation of phase equilibria and physical properties of multiphase mantle assemblages …
Copper enrichment in arc magmas controlled by overriding plate thickness
M Chiaradia - Nature Geoscience, 2014 - nature.com
Porphyry copper systems supply about 75% of the world's copper. They form above
subduction zones and are preferentially associated with calc-alkaline magmas,. Such …
subduction zones and are preferentially associated with calc-alkaline magmas,. Such …