Blockchain and the 'Internet of Things' for the construction industry: research trends and opportunities
Various applications integrating Blockchain with the Internet of Things (IoT) have emerged in
recent years. While industries such as automotive have embraced this integration …
recent years. While industries such as automotive have embraced this integration …
Revolutionising cost structure for integrated project delivery: a BIM-based solution
Purpose The amalgamation of integrated project delivery (IPD) and building information
modelling (BIM) is highly recommended for successful project delivery. However, IPD lacks …
modelling (BIM) is highly recommended for successful project delivery. However, IPD lacks …
A lean construction and BIM interaction model for the construction industry
Abstract An Analytical Network Process (ANP) was created to test the Lean and BIM
concepts with data collected from US companies to find the success factors of the Lean/BIM …
concepts with data collected from US companies to find the success factors of the Lean/BIM …
Sustainable target value design: integrating life cycle assessment and target value design to improve building energy and environmental performance
Buildings are the largest consumer of energy and greatest contributor to climate change in
the United States—consuming approximately half of energy produced and contributing close …
the United States—consuming approximately half of energy produced and contributing close …
Integrated project delivery with BIM: An automated EVM-based approach
Abstract The Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) in integration with Building Information
Modelling/Management (BIM) is an optimal approach for delivering construction projects …
Modelling/Management (BIM) is an optimal approach for delivering construction projects …
[BOK][B] Industry 4.0 solutions for building design and construction: a paradigm of new opportunities
FP Rahimian, JS Goulding, S Abrishami… - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This book provides in-depth results and case studies in innovation from actual work
undertaken in collaboration with industry partners in Architecture, Engineering, and …
undertaken in collaboration with industry partners in Architecture, Engineering, and …
[PDF][PDF] Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): An Updated Review and Analysis Case Study.
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is introduced as a new delivery system that fosters high
efficiency by delivering accurate information and new technologies in a collaborative team …
efficiency by delivering accurate information and new technologies in a collaborative team …
Develo** a framework to revolutionise the 4D BIM process: IPD-based solution
Purpose The integration of building information modelling (BIM) and integrated project
delivery (IPD) is highly recommended for better project delivery. Although there is a …
delivery (IPD) is highly recommended for better project delivery. Although there is a …
[PDF][PDF] Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Research Trends.
Z Kahvandi, E Saghatforoush… - Journal of …, 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is introduced as a vibrant approach to enhance project
implementation, having particular position in recent studies among construction researchers …
implementation, having particular position in recent studies among construction researchers …
A centralised cost management system: exploiting EVM and ABC within IPD
Purpose Integrated project delivery (IPD) is highly recommended to be utilised with building
information management (BIM), specifically with BIM level-3 implementation process. Extant …
information management (BIM), specifically with BIM level-3 implementation process. Extant …