A critical review on the potential impacts of neonicotinoid insecticide use: current knowledge of environmental fate, toxicity, and implications for human health
Neonicotinoid insecticides are widely used in both urban and agricultural settings around
the world. Historically, neonicotinoid insecticides have been viewed as ideal replacements …
the world. Historically, neonicotinoid insecticides have been viewed as ideal replacements …
A review of the impact of herbicides and insecticides on the microbial communities
A Jeyaseelan, K Murugesan, S Thayanithi… - Environmental …, 2024 - Elsevier
Enhancing crop yield to accommodate the ever-increasing world population has become
critical, and diminishing arable land has pressured current agricultural practices. Intensive …
critical, and diminishing arable land has pressured current agricultural practices. Intensive …
Continuous application of inorganic and organic fertilizers over 47 years in paddy soil alters the bacterial community structure and its influence on rice production
Soil bacterial communities are considered as an essential member of the microbial
community, contributing to soil health. Continuous application of chemical fertilizers alters …
community, contributing to soil health. Continuous application of chemical fertilizers alters …
A review on effective soil health bio-indicators for ecosystem restoration and sustainability
Preventing degradation, facilitating restoration, and maintaining soil health is fundamental
for achieving ecosystem stability and resilience. A healthy soil ecosystem is supported by …
for achieving ecosystem stability and resilience. A healthy soil ecosystem is supported by …
Influence of the neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam on soil bacterial community composition and metabolic function
C Wu, Z Wang, Y Ma, J Luo, X Gao, J Ning… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2021 - Elsevier
Understanding of neonicotinoid insecticides toxicity on non-target organisms, such as bees,
has indirectly promoted their soil treatment use. However, their effect on soil ecosystems …
has indirectly promoted their soil treatment use. However, their effect on soil ecosystems …
Determinants of rice farmers' intention to use pesticides in eastern India: Application of an extended version of the planned behavior theory
Farmers' health and the environment are prime priorities for any agrarian economy. In India,
almost 90% of the pesticides are used in rice, cotton, and vegetables. Nevertheless, factors …
almost 90% of the pesticides are used in rice, cotton, and vegetables. Nevertheless, factors …
Relationship among soil biophysicochemical properties, agricultural practices and climate factors influencing soil phosphatase activity in agricultural land
Phosphorus (P) is a vital macronutrient crucial for crop productivity. Plants absorb P salts,
mainly orthophosphate, from the soil, yet the primary P source resides in organic materials …
mainly orthophosphate, from the soil, yet the primary P source resides in organic materials …
Multi-level ecotoxicological effects of imidacloprid on earthworm (Eisenia fetida)
X Wang, X Zhu, Q Peng, Y Wang, J Ge, G Yang… - Chemosphere, 2019 - Elsevier
As a neurotoxic insecticide, imidacloprid (IMI) has been widely used for crop protection.
However, continuous application of such pesticide in the environment may damage the non …
However, continuous application of such pesticide in the environment may damage the non …
Changes in bacterial and fungal community of soil under treatment of pesticides
R Streletskii, A Astaykina, G Krasnov, V Gorbatov - Agronomy, 2022 - mdpi.com
Experiments were carried out in soil microcosms with the treatment of pesticide formulations—
imidacloprid, benomyl, and metribuzin in single and tenfold application rates. For additional …
imidacloprid, benomyl, and metribuzin in single and tenfold application rates. For additional …
Changes in soil microbial communities after exposure to neonicotinoids: A systematic review
Neonicotinoids are a group of nicotine‐related chemicals widely used as insecticides in
agriculture. Several studies have shown measurable quantities of neonicotinoids in the …
agriculture. Several studies have shown measurable quantities of neonicotinoids in the …