The potential for an increasing threat of unseasonal temperature cycles to dormant plants
AP Kovaleski - New Phytologist, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Two functional responses largely guide woody plants' survival to winter conditions: cold
hardiness and dormancy. Dormancy affects budbreak timing based on chill accumulation …
hardiness and dormancy. Dormancy affects budbreak timing based on chill accumulation …
Use of plant growth regulators for floriculture in Japan
T Nishijima - Scientia Horticulturae, 2023 - Elsevier
Fourteen active chemical ingredients are officially registered in Japan as plant growth
regulators (PGRs), exogenously-applied low dose chemicals regulating plant growth and …
regulators (PGRs), exogenously-applied low dose chemicals regulating plant growth and …
Hydrogen cyanamide exposure: a case series from Pavia Poison Control Centre
L Bernasconi, M Carnovale, D Lonati… - Occupational …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Background Hydrogen cyanamide is a plant growth regulator introduced in Italy as Dormex
in 2000, but recalled from the market in 2008. It's currently not authorized in Europe …
in 2000, but recalled from the market in 2008. It's currently not authorized in Europe …
[PDF][PDF] Enhancing Uniform Sprouting, Yield, and Quality in Grapevines: The Impact of Hydrogen Cyanamide (50% SL) Treatment
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is considered as one of the most important commercial fruit crops in
temperate, tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In India grape cultivation in tropical …
temperate, tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In India grape cultivation in tropical …
[PDF][PDF] Influencia del ácido giberélico (AG3), etanol y cianamida hidrogenada (Dormex) sobre la brotación de yemas a partir de tubérculos de Solanum tuberosum L …
C Silva–Agurto, M Leiva Mora… - Plant …, 2023 - revistabionatura.org
Los inductores de brotación se utilizan ampliamente en tubérculos de Solanum tuberosum
con la finalidad de reducir el tiempo de crecimiento de los brotes. El objetivo principal de …
con la finalidad de reducir el tiempo de crecimiento de los brotes. El objetivo principal de …
Hydrogen Cyanamide Application Accelerates Vegetative Bud Break and Causes Earlier Yield in 'Optimus' and 'Colossus' Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum interspecific hybrid) cultivation is a
major industry in subtropical regions where low winter temperatures are infrequent and …
major industry in subtropical regions where low winter temperatures are infrequent and …
シアナミドおよび異なる促成開始時期の組合わせ処理が低温要求量の少ないブルーベリー 2 品種の休眠打破, 栄養成長および生殖成長に及ぼす影響
尾形凡生, 浜田和俊 - 園芸学研究, 2023 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 低温要求量の少ないサザンハイブッシュブルーベリー 'Kestrel'と 'Star'を対象に,
異なる促成開始時期およびシアナミドの組み合わせ処理が休眠打破, 栄養成長 …
異なる促成開始時期およびシアナミドの組み合わせ処理が休眠打破, 栄養成長 …
Detecting trace pollutants used on kiwifruit orchards: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Philosophy in Chemistry at …
J Scott - 2023 - mro.massey.ac.nz
Trace pollutants from sprays used on kiwifruit orchards are difficult to detect, often requiring
sophisticated machinery and sample pre-treatment to detect them at very low levels. There …
sophisticated machinery and sample pre-treatment to detect them at very low levels. There …
[HTML][HTML] Influencia del ácido giberélico (AG3), etanol y cianamida hidrogenada (Dormex) sobre la brotación de yemas a partir de tubérculos de Solanum tuberosum L …
C Silva–Agurto, ML Mora, TM Acosta, NES Ortiz - revistabionatura.org
Los inductores de brotación se utilizan ampliamente en tubérculos de Solanum tuberosum
con la finalidad de reducir el tiempo de crecimiento de los brotes. El objetivo principal de …
con la finalidad de reducir el tiempo de crecimiento de los brotes. El objetivo principal de …
[HTML][HTML] Preview/Index/Nex t
C Silva–Agurto, ML Mora, TM Acosta, NES Ortiz - revistabionatura.com
Los inductores de brotación se utilizan ampliamente en tubérculos de Solanum tuberosum
con la finalidad de reducir el tiempo de crecimiento de los brotes. El objetivo principal de …
con la finalidad de reducir el tiempo de crecimiento de los brotes. El objetivo principal de …