[PDF][PDF] Experts' Productive Learning from Formal Knowledge: Motive Generators and Productive Practice

LP Beaudoin - 2011 - sfu.ca
The benefits which experts seek to derive from formal knowledge are manifold. Experts,
viewed as progressive problem solvers (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1993), face psychological …

Develo** expertise with objective knowledge: Motive generators and productive practice

LP Beaudoin - From Animals to Robots and Back: Reflections on Hard …, 2014 - Springer
Experts seek to derive manifold benefits from objective knowledge. Viewed as progressive
problem solvers (Bereiter and Scardamalia 1993), they are not immune to psychological and …

[PDF][PDF] Cognitive Productivity

LP Beaudoin - 2013 - sfu.ca
We've all had this experience: We've read a factual or practical book that had the potential to
make us more effective in some specific respects. Several months later, however, we can …

The rocky road from Hume to Kant: correlations and theories in robots and animals

JL Wyatt - From Animals to Robots and Back: Reflections on Hard …, 2014 - Springer
This essay will address the problem of prediction. Prediction is at its root concerned with the
idea of causation. The notion of how causal relationships can be represented in minds has …