Metal-insulator transitions

M Imada, A Fujimori, Y Tokura - Reviews of modern physics, 1998 - APS
Metal-insulator transitions are accompanied by huge resistivity changes, even over tens of
orders of magnitude, and are widely observed in condensed-matter systems. This article …

Specific features of spin, charge, and orbital ordering in cobaltites

BI Natal'ya, SG Ovchinnikov, MM Korshunov… - Physics …, 2009 -
Complex cobalt oxides known as cobaltites are reviewed, including LnCoO 3-based
perovskite-structured rare-earth cobaltites (where Ln is lanthanum or a lanthanide), quasi …

Glassy ferromagnetism and magnetic phase separation in

J Wu, C Leighton - Physical Review B, 2003 - APS
We present the results of a comprehensive investigation of the dc magnetization, ac
susceptibility, and magnetotransport properties of the glassy ferromagnet La 1− x Sr x CoO …

[KNYGA][B] Electronic conduction in oxides

N Tsuda - 2000 -
This is a revised version of the first edition published in 1991. At the same time, this is a
revised version of the Syokabo edition, which was written in Japanese and published in …

Electronic structure and spin-state transition of

M Abbate, JC Fuggle, A Fujimori, LH Tjeng, CT Chen… - Physical Review B, 1993 - APS
We present soft-x-ray-absorption spectra (XAS) of LaCoO 3 taken at different temperatures
(80–630 K). The shape of the multiplets in the Co 2p XAS spectra conveys information on …

Two Spin-State Transitions in LaCoO 3

K Asai, A Yoneda, O Yokokura… - Journal of the Physical …, 1998 -
Neutron-diffraction measurements have revealed a new anomalous thermal lattice
expansion of LaCoO 3 near 500 K that indicates the existence of a second spin-state …

Electronic structure and temperature-induced paramagnetism in

T Saitoh, T Mizokawa, A Fujimori, M Abbate, Y Takeda… - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
We have studied the electronic structure of LaCoO 3 by photoemission spectroscopy and x-
ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The Co 2p core-level and valence-band photoemission …

Spin-glass behavior and magnetic phase diagram of La1-xSrxCoO3 (0≤ x≤ 0.5) studied by magnetization measurements

M Itoh, I Natori, S Kubota, K Motoya - … of the Physical Society of Japan, 1994 -
Spin-Glass Behavior and Magnetic Phase Diagram Page 1 Journal of the Physical Society of
Japan Vol. 63, No. 4, April, 1994, pp. 1486-1493 Spin-Glass Behavior and Magnetic Phase …

Spin-state transition and high-spin polarons in LaCo

S Yamaguchi, Y Okimoto, H Taniguchi, Y Tokura - Physical Review B, 1996 - APS
The spin gap energy (≈ 30 meV) associated with the low-spin (S= 0) to high-spin (S= 2)
transition in LaCo O 3 was proved to be considerably smaller than the charge gap energy …

Local lattice distortion during the spin-state transition in

S Yamaguchi, Y Okimoto, Y Tokura - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
Infrared spectroscopy of a LaCoO 3 crystal has revealed anomalous splitting of the phonon
modes as well as their intensity variation with temperature during the spin-state transition …