Floating offshore wind turbines: Current status and future prospects
Offshore wind energy is a sustainable renewable energy source that is acquired by
harnessing the force of the wind offshore, where the absence of obstructions allows the wind …
harnessing the force of the wind offshore, where the absence of obstructions allows the wind …
A review of aerodynamic and wake characteristics of floating offshore wind turbines
Wind-generated electricity has effectively promoted the net-zero carbon emission plan, and
gradually developed to the deeper ocean, which leads to the emergence of rotating …
gradually developed to the deeper ocean, which leads to the emergence of rotating …
Recent advances in understanding the dynamic characterization of floating offshore wind turbines
The main purpose of the present paper is to cover the lack of a reference point in the
literature providing a comprehensive review of the state of the art, recent developments, and …
literature providing a comprehensive review of the state of the art, recent developments, and …
Short-term prediction of hydrodynamic response of a novel semi-submersible FOWT platform under wind, current and wave loads
Q Zou, Z Lu, Y Shen - Ocean Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
In the present study, the hydrodynamic response of the novel semi-submersible floating
wind turbine (FOWT) platform “Three Gorges Leading (TGL)" was investigated under the …
wind turbine (FOWT) platform “Three Gorges Leading (TGL)" was investigated under the …
Effects of tidal turbine number on the performance of a 10 MW-class semi-submersible integrated floating wind-current system
The integrated floating energy system (IFES) consisting of wind and tidal/current energy
generators is more capable of utilizing energy from the ocean in a relatively lower cost …
generators is more capable of utilizing energy from the ocean in a relatively lower cost …
A review of numerical and physical methods for analyzing the coupled hydro–aero–structural dynamics of floating wind turbine systems
Recently, more wind turbine systems have been installed in deep waters far from the coast.
Several concepts of floating wind turbine systems (FWTS) have been developed, among …
Several concepts of floating wind turbine systems (FWTS) have been developed, among …
Preliminary development of a novel catamaran floating offshore wind turbine platform and assessment of dynamic behaviours for intermediate water depth application
This paper presents the preliminary development of a novel catamaran Floating Offshore
Wind Turbine (FOWT) concept and a numerical assessment of its dynamic characteristics …
Wind Turbine (FOWT) concept and a numerical assessment of its dynamic characteristics …
Numerical study of ice-induced loads and dynamic response analysis for floating offshore wind turbines
This paper presents a suite of ice load models using a coupled aero-hydro-servo-elastic
numerical model to study dynamic response of floating offshore wind turbines in cold …
numerical model to study dynamic response of floating offshore wind turbines in cold …
On motion analysis and elastic response of floating offshore wind turbines
Wind energy industry is expanded to offshore and deep water sites, primarily due to the
stronger and more consistent wind fields. Floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) concepts …
stronger and more consistent wind fields. Floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) concepts …
On the dynamics of a model wind turbine under passive tower oscillations
Laboratory experiments were carried out to quantify the effect of small-amplitude, passive
oscillations of a model wind turbine in the structure of the unsteady motions, wake statistics …
oscillations of a model wind turbine in the structure of the unsteady motions, wake statistics …