Returns to investment in education: a further update
Returns to investment in education based on human capital theory have been estimated
since the late 1950s. In the 40‐plus year history of estimates of returns to investment in …
since the late 1950s. In the 40‐plus year history of estimates of returns to investment in …
The returns to education in Italy: a new look at the evidence
The purpose of this paper is to provide an update of the empirical evidence on the private
returns to education in Italy. First, we show that, whilst returns to education in Italy (based on …
returns to education in Italy. First, we show that, whilst returns to education in Italy (based on …
More investment-less returns? Changing returns to education in Italy across three decades
G Ballarino, S Scherer - Stato e mercato, 2013 - rivisteweb.it
The relationship between education and achieved social position is one of the structural
parameters (in the sense of Blau 1977; 1994) governing the life course of individuals in …
parameters (in the sense of Blau 1977; 1994) governing the life course of individuals in …
Talking about the Pigou paradox: Socio‐educational background and educational outcomes of AlmaLaurea
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to point to the inefficiency of the Italian educational
system as a key factor of persistent differences between the distribution of incomes (skewed) …
system as a key factor of persistent differences between the distribution of incomes (skewed) …
School-level policies and the efficiency and equity trade-off in education
This paper identifies the relationship between pupils' Family Background, their mathematics
scores, and school-level policies, using the 2012 Programme of International Student …
scores, and school-level policies, using the 2012 Programme of International Student …
Social background and education in occupational attainment in 20th century Italy
G Ballarino, C Barone, N Panichella - 2014 - cadmus.eui.eu
The paper addresses four research questions concerning the intergenerational occupational
association in Italy. First, is there a direct effect of social background on occupational …
association in Italy. First, is there a direct effect of social background on occupational …
Le cause del (l')(in) successo lavorativo dei giovani
Il titolo di questo articolo nasconde un'insidia. Cosa s' intende, invero, per “successo
lavorativo” di un giovane che si avvicini oggi al mercato del lavoro? Trovare occupazione …
lavorativo” di un giovane che si avvicini oggi al mercato del lavoro? Trovare occupazione …
The returns to education in Italy: A new look at the evidence
The purpose of this paper is to provide an update of the empirical evidence on the private
returns to education in Italy. First, we show that, whilst returns to education in Italy (based on …
returns to education in Italy. First, we show that, whilst returns to education in Italy (based on …
The determinants of the Italian wages
C Gabbriellini - 2015 - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
The aim of this work is to estimate the determinants of the wage function in Italy, focusing on
the crucial role of education, taking into consideration even the impact of years of …
the crucial role of education, taking into consideration even the impact of years of …
Social participation and safety deprivation of children in Italy: PIIGS countries in perspective
Poverty is multidimensional and this is even more true for children. Investigating
multidimensional poverty among children is a significant task not only because of the …
multidimensional poverty among children is a significant task not only because of the …