A meta-advisor repository for database physical design
The physical design is one of the crucial phases of advanced database design life cycle.
This is due to its important role in selecting optimization structures such as materialized …
This is due to its important role in selecting optimization structures such as materialized …
Yet another algorithms for selecting bitmap join indexes
L Bellatreche, K Boukhalfa - International Conference on Data …, 2010 - Springer
One of the fundamental tasks that data warehouse (DW) administrator needs to perform
during the physical design is to select the right indexes to speed up her/his queries. Two …
during the physical design is to select the right indexes to speed up her/his queries. Two …
[PDF][PDF] A data mining-based approach for data warehouse optimisation
H Amirat, K Boukhalfa - ICA2IT International Conference …, 2014 - manifest.univ-ouargla.dz
Data warehouses are currently form a good basis of decision support systems. The main
characteristics of these data warehouses are their large size and complexity of its decision …
characteristics of these data warehouses are their large size and complexity of its decision …
Contributions à la conception et l'exploitation de systèmes d'intégration de données
L Bellatreche - 2009 - theses.hal.science
Avec le développement d'Internet et des Intranets, l'échange et le partage de l'énorme
quantité d'in-formations provenant de diverses sources de données éparpillées sur la Toile …
quantité d'in-formations provenant de diverses sources de données éparpillées sur la Toile …
Hypergraphs in the Service of Very Large Scale Query Optimization. Application: Data Warehousing
A Boukorca - 2016 - theses.hal.science
The emergence of the phenomenon Big-Data conducts to the introduction of new increased
and urgent needs to share data between users and communities, which has engender a …
and urgent needs to share data between users and communities, which has engender a …
Données de tests non fonctionnels de l'ombre à la lumière: une approche multidimensionnelle pour déployer une base de données
L Brahimi - 2017 - theses.hal.science
Le choix d'un système de gestion de bases de données (SGBD) et de plateforme
d'exécution pour le déploiement est une tâche primordiale pour la satisfaction des besoins …
d'exécution pour le déploiement est une tâche primordiale pour la satisfaction des besoins …
Yet Another Algorithms for Selecting Bitmap
J Indexes - Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 12th …, 2010 - books.google.com
One of the fundamental tasks that data warehouse (DW) administrator needs to perform
during the physical design is to select the right indexes to speed up her/his queries. Two …
during the physical design is to select the right indexes to speed up her/his queries. Two …
[PDF][PDF] ASADD: Attribute Similarity-Aware Database Designer for Partitioning and Indexes
R Bouchakri, L Bellatreche - Citeseer
We present an automatic database design tool that exploits similarities between attributes
when recommending horizontal data partitioning (HDP) and bitmap join indexes (BJI) …
when recommending horizontal data partitioning (HDP) and bitmap join indexes (BJI) …
P Saini - 2015 - NITKKR