Dynamic power management and control for low voltage DC microgrid with hybrid energy storage system using hybrid bat search algorithm and artificial neural …

P Singh, JS Lather - Journal of Energy Storage, 2020‏ - Elsevier
In this paper, a novel Hybrid Bat Search and Artificial Neural Network (HBSANN) based
power management strategy (PMS) is proposed for control of DC microgrids with hybrid …

Artificial neural network-based dynamic power management of a DC microgrid: A hardware-in-loop real-time verification

P Singh, JS Lather - International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2022‏ - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, the performance of a DC microgrid has been examined among photovoltaics
modules, loads and hybrid energy storage system (HESS). The primary goal of this article is …

Analysis and comparison of charging time between battery and supercapacitor for 300W stand-alone PV system

A Pareek, P Singh, PN Rao - 2018 International Conference on …, 2018‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Among the available energy sources the energy through photovoltaic impact can be viewed
as the most fundamental and sustainable resource as a result of the all over, sufficient and …

Optimization of Power System Operation Using Battery Energy Storage Systems

A Plasencia, LO Freire, C Quinatoa… - … Conference on Digital …, 2024‏ - Springer
This paper presents an optimization model to investigate the effects of incorporating Battery
Energy Storage Systems (BESS) into power system operation. The proposed optimization …

Comparative Analysis of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Mobile Substation and Grid Storage System

P Singh, N Anwer, A Dattaroy… - 2022 22nd National …, 2022‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is the most imperative unit of mobile substations, but
finding the exact battery technology is one of the major issues. Therefore, this paper …

Fuzzy intelligent management of inter-exchanged energy between standalone photovoltaic systems

RB Ammar, MB Ammar, A Oualha - 2019 19th International …, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Renewable off-grid electricity supply is one alternative that has gained attention, mainly with
areas lacking a grid system. The photovoltaic installation can provide more power than the …


R Bareth, A Mishra - I-Manager's Journal on Circuits & …, 2020‏ - search.ebscohost.com
In this paper, the hybrid storage system for renewable energy based hybrid power plant has
been implemented to fulfill fluctuating load demands. System contains renewable energy …

Real-Time Simulation and Analysis of Energy Storage System in Standalone PV-Based DC Microgrid

P Singh, JS Lather - International Conference on Advanced …, 2019‏ - Springer
This paper presents a novel strategy for calculating Lead-Acid battery charging and
discharging time with different cases for standalone PV-based DC microgrid systems. The …

[PDF][PDF] Sistema de apoyo basado en procesamiento de señales e inteligencia computacional para evaluar la calidad de energía en un sistema fotovoltaico

F Velandia, J De Dios - 2023‏ - repositorio.uan.edu.co
Actualmente, los recursos de energía renovable tienen las mayores tasas de crecimiento,
especialmente la energía solar ha sido el número uno. Sin embargo, ocuparse de la …