[CARTE][B] Analysis of trends in India's Agricultural Growth
E Kannan, S Sundaram - 2011 - academia.edu
The present study discusses the trends and patterns in agricultural growth at the national
and sub-national levels in India. Data on important variables like area, production, input use …
and sub-national levels in India. Data on important variables like area, production, input use …
[CARTE][B] Development and democracy in India
SD Sharma - 1999 - books.google.com
This study examines the relationship between democratic governance and economic
development in post-independence India. The author addresses the paradox of India's …
development in post-independence India. The author addresses the paradox of India's …
[CARTE][B] Democracy, dictatorship and development: economic development in selected regimes of the third world
G Sørensen - 2016 - books.google.com
Questions regarding the economic consequences of various forms of regime have puzzled
development researchers for many years. This book examines the theoretical debate as a …
development researchers for many years. This book examines the theoretical debate as a …
India's Eucalyptus craze: the god that failed.
NC Saxena - 1994 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The farm forestry programme launched by the Indian government in the late 1970s aimed to
persuade farmers to grow fuelwood and fodder for their own use. However, in practice …
persuade farmers to grow fuelwood and fodder for their own use. However, in practice …
Rural poverty in India: a regional analysis
E Dayal - Journal of Rural Studies, 1989 - Elsevier
This paper identifies the regional pattern of rural poverty in India, for the first time using
consumer expenditure data for areal units smaller than the states. Further, it differs from …
consumer expenditure data for areal units smaller than the states. Further, it differs from …
Sources of growth and instability in cassava production in Nigeria: An evidence from Hazell's Decomposition Model
Evaluation of trends in production of major staple food crops in Nigeria became imperative
so as to assess and address the way in which policies affecting agriculture are implemented …
so as to assess and address the way in which policies affecting agriculture are implemented …
Agricultural production in Maharashtra: growth and instability in the context of new technology
AK Mitra - Economic and Political weekly, 1990 - JSTOR
All-India estimates of instability in agricultural production may tend to mask the considerable
inter-state differences in these estimates. This would be especially true of low rainfall, water …
inter-state differences in these estimates. This would be especially true of low rainfall, water …
[PDF][PDF] Land inequality and agricultural sustainability in Uttar Pradesh, India: a regional analysis
Climate related uncertainties manifesting as drought, floods, temperatures fluctuation, and
crop disease, posing the greatest challenge to agricultural production and food security …
crop disease, posing the greatest challenge to agricultural production and food security …
Irrigation difference and productivity variations in paddy cultivation: field evidences from Udalguri District of Assam
P Goyari - Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2014 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
Using field survey data, the paper examines the seasonal variation of irrigation facilities for
cultivation of paddy with special emphasis on summer paddy in Assam. Paddy is cultivated …
cultivation of paddy with special emphasis on summer paddy in Assam. Paddy is cultivated …
Enhancing Agricultural development in rural Indian communities: The contribution of NGOs through Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
KK VS, P Rangasami, SS Pillai - 2024 IEEE Conference on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The study investigates the role of NGOs in implementing agricultural schemes under the
CSR of HDFC Bank in Thazhenchira village in Kerala India. Despite limited corporate CSR …
CSR of HDFC Bank in Thazhenchira village in Kerala India. Despite limited corporate CSR …