[HTML][HTML] Plant physiological analysis to overcome limitations to plant phenoty**
Plant physiological status is the interaction between the plant genome and the prevailing
growth conditions. Accurate characterization of plant physiology is, therefore, fundamental to …
growth conditions. Accurate characterization of plant physiology is, therefore, fundamental to …
Adaptation to high temperature mitigates the impact of water deficit during combined heat and drought stress in C3 sunflower and C4 maize varieties with contrasting …
Heat and drought stress frequently occur together, however, their impact on plant growth
and photosynthesis (PN) is unclear. The frequency, duration and severity of heat and …
and photosynthesis (PN) is unclear. The frequency, duration and severity of heat and …
An introductory guide to gas exchange analysis of photosynthesis and its application to plant phenoty** and precision irrigation to enhance water use efficiency
Leaf gas exchange is central to the analysis of photosynthetic processes and the
development of more productive, water efficient and stress tolerant crops. This has led to a …
development of more productive, water efficient and stress tolerant crops. This has led to a …
[HTML][HTML] The Impact of Heat Stress and Water Deficit on the Photosynthetic and Stomatal Physiology of Olive (Olea europaea L.)—A Case Study of the 2017 Heat …
Heat waves are predicted to increase in frequency and duration in many regions as global
temperatures rise. These transient increases in temperature above normal average values …
temperatures rise. These transient increases in temperature above normal average values …
[HTML][HTML] Lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll fluorescence of photosystem II performance during drought and heat stress is associated with the antioxidant capacities of …
Agricultural production is predicted to be adversely affected by an increase in drought and
heatwaves. Drought and heat damage cellular membranes, such as the thylakoid …
heatwaves. Drought and heat damage cellular membranes, such as the thylakoid …
Filter Mud Enhanced Yield and Soil Properties of Water-Stressed Lupinus termis L. in Saline Calcareous Soil
Filter mud (FM) as an organic ameliorant might benefit in improving soil-and water-stressed
crop productivity. However, the beneficial FM's effects on soil and crop performance under …
crop productivity. However, the beneficial FM's effects on soil and crop performance under …
[HTML][HTML] The leaf trichome, venation, and mesophyll structural traits play important roles in the physiological responses of oak seedlings to water-deficit stress
In this study, we investigated the effects of water-deficit stress on the leaf anatomical traits,
physiological traits, and stem starch content in Quercus acutissima Carruth and Quercus …
physiological traits, and stem starch content in Quercus acutissima Carruth and Quercus …
Drought resistance in oat involves ABA-mediated modulation of transpiration and root hydraulic conductivity
Drought is one of the most important constraints to crop productivity worldwide. Control of
plant responses to drought is very complex. The mechanisms and their intensity may differ …
plant responses to drought is very complex. The mechanisms and their intensity may differ …
Exploiting the drought tolerance of wild Elymus species for bread wheat improvement
Crop wild resources are excellent sources of new genetic variation for resilience against
climate extremes. However, detailed characterization of the desirable phenotypes is …
climate extremes. However, detailed characterization of the desirable phenotypes is …
Long-term hydraulic adjustment of three tropical moist forest tree species to changing climate
Xylem hydraulic adjustment to global climatic changes was reported from temperate, boreal,
and Mediterranean tree species. Yet, the long-term hydraulic adjustment in tropical tree …
and Mediterranean tree species. Yet, the long-term hydraulic adjustment in tropical tree …