Transmissible cancers in mammals and bivalves: How many examples are there? Predictions indicate widespread occurrence
Transmissible cancers are elusive and understudied parasitic life forms caused by
malignant clonal cells (nine lineages are known so far). They emerge by completing …
malignant clonal cells (nine lineages are known so far). They emerge by completing …
Human fecal contamination of water, soil, and surfaces in households sharing poor-quality sanitation facilities in Maputo, Mozambique
Identifying the origin of fecal contamination can support more effective interventions to
interrupt enteric pathogen transmission. Microbial source tracking (MST) assays may help to …
interrupt enteric pathogen transmission. Microbial source tracking (MST) assays may help to …
[HTML][HTML] Can Regenerative Agriculture increase national soil carbon stocks? Simulated country-scale adoption of reduced tillage, cover crop**, and ley-arable …
Abstract Adopting Regenerative Agriculture (RA) practices on temperate arable land can
increase soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration without reducing crop yields. RA is …
increase soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration without reducing crop yields. RA is …
The dire disregard of measurement invariance testing in psychological science.
Self-report scales are widely used in psychology to compare means in latent constructs
across groups, experimental conditions, or time points. However, for these comparisons to …
across groups, experimental conditions, or time points. However, for these comparisons to …
Major histocompatibility complex-associated odour preferences and human mate choice: near and far horizons
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a core part of the adaptive immune system.
As in other vertebrate taxa, it may also affect human chemical communication via odour …
As in other vertebrate taxa, it may also affect human chemical communication via odour …
[HTML][HTML] Deep learning and citizen science enable automated plant trait predictions from photographs
Abstract Plant functional traits ('traits') are essential for assessing biodiversity and ecosystem
processes, but cumbersome to measure. To facilitate trait measurements, we test if traits can …
processes, but cumbersome to measure. To facilitate trait measurements, we test if traits can …
Bayesian hierarchical modeling: An introduction and reassessment
With the recent development of easy-to-use tools for Bayesian analysis, psychologists have
started to embrace Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Bayesian hierarchical models provide …
started to embrace Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Bayesian hierarchical models provide …
An evaluation of the performance of stop** rules in AI‐aided screening for psychological meta‐analytical research
Several AI‐aided screening tools have emerged to tackle the ever‐expanding body of
literature. These tools employ active learning, where algorithms sort abstracts based on …
literature. These tools employ active learning, where algorithms sort abstracts based on …
The accuracy of phenology estimators for use with sparsely sampled presence‐only observations
Phenology is one of the most immediate responses to global climate change, but data
limitations have made examining phenology patterns across greater taxonomic, spatial and …
limitations have made examining phenology patterns across greater taxonomic, spatial and …
Blending I ndigenous and western science: Quantifying cultural burning impacts in K aruk A boriginal T erritory
The combined effects of Indigenous fire stewardship and lightning ignitions shaped
historical fire regimes, landscape patterns, and available resources in many ecosystems …
historical fire regimes, landscape patterns, and available resources in many ecosystems …