Partial premixing and stratification in turbulent flames

AR Masri - Proceedings of the Combustion institute, 2015‏ - Elsevier
This paper reviews recent advances in understanding the structure of turbulent partially
premixed and stratified flames. The term “partially premixed” refers here to compositionally …

Local extinction and near-field structure in piloted turbulent CH4/air jet flames with inhomogeneous inlets

RS Barlow, S Meares, G Magnotti, H Cutcher… - Combustion and …, 2015‏ - Elsevier
Line-imaged measurements of temperature and major species, based on well-established
Raman/Rayleigh/CO-LIF techniques, are used to better understand the scalar structure of …

Local flame structure analysis in turbulent CH4/air flames with multi-regime characteristics

D Butz, S Hartl, S Popp, S Walther, RS Barlow… - Combustion and …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
In practical applications, partial premixing of fuel and oxidizer, as well as recirculation of
combustion products, result in complex combustion scenarios where multi-regime effects …

[HTML][HTML] Design and control challenges of hybrid, dual nozzle gas turbine power generating plant: A critical review

F Kulor, ED Markus, K Kanzumba - Energy Reports, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The provision of sustainable energy is one of the critical challenges currently facing the
power sector and gas turbine power production has established itself as one of the more …

Turbulent multi-regime methane-air flames analysed by Raman/Rayleigh spectroscopy and conditional velocity field measurements

D Butz, A Breicher, RS Barlow, D Geyer… - Combustion and Flame, 2022‏ - Elsevier
In this study the characteristics of multi-regime combustion are investigated using a multi-
regime burner with well-defined inflow boundary conditions. Based on previous findings, the …

Effect of burner geometry on swirl stabilized methane/air flames: A joint LES/OH-PLIF/PIV study

X Liu, AM Elbaz, C Gong, XS Bai, HT Zheng… - Fuel, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Large eddy simulation (LES) using a transported PDF model and OH-PLIF/PIV experiments
were carried out to investigate the quarl effects on the structures of swirl stabilized …

Stability and structure of inverse swirl diffusion flames with weak to strong swirl

AM Elbaz, WL Roberts - Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Flame stabilization in many practical devices is achieved primarily through swirl; however,
the application of swirl to an inverse diffusion flame and its effect on both flame stability and …

Effect of the mixing fields on the stability and structure of turbulent partially premixed flames in a concentric flow conical nozzle burner

MS Mansour, AM Elbaz, WL Roberts, MS Senosy… - Combustion and …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
The mixing field is known to be one of the key parameters that affect the stability and
structure of partially premixed flames. Data in these flames are now available covering the …

A concentric flow slot burner for stabilizing turbulent partially premixed inhomogeneous flames of gaseous fuels

MS Mansour, H Pitsch, S Kruse, MF Zayed… - … Thermal and Fluid …, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Combustion of turbulent inhomogeneous mixtures of air and fuel is common in many
practical systems providing improved stability for both gaseous and liquid fuels …

Map** the stability of free-jet biogas flames under partially premixed combustion

MS Abdallah, MS Mansour, NK Allam - Energy, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Enhancement of biogas combustion characteristics will increase the possibility of the direct
utilization of such an eco-friendly fuel in practical combustors. We report a full study of …