Controllable electrical, magnetoelectric and optical properties of BiFeO3 via domain engineering
Abstract Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO 3, BFO) as one of the few single-phase room-temperature
multiferroics, has aroused ever-increasing enthusiasm in research communities during the …
multiferroics, has aroused ever-increasing enthusiasm in research communities during the …
Programming polarity heterogeneity of energy storage dielectrics by bidirectional intelligent design
Dielectric capacitors, characterized by ultra‐high power densities, are considered as
fundamental energy storage components in electronic and electrical systems. However …
fundamental energy storage components in electronic and electrical systems. However …
Local Structure of Disordered Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 Investigated by Pair Distribution Function Analysis and First-Principles Calculations
We investigate A-site cation ordering in the ferroelectric perovskite Bi0. 5K0. 5TiO3 (BKT) by
density functional theory (DFT) calculations and synchrotron X-ray total scattering. Using …
density functional theory (DFT) calculations and synchrotron X-ray total scattering. Using …
[HTML][HTML] Temperature stable and fatigue resistant lead-free ceramics for actuators
Lead-free ceramics with the composition 0.91 K 1/2 Bi 1/2 TiO 3–0.09 (0.82 BiFeO 3-0.15
NdFeO 3-0.03 Nd 2/3 TiO 3) were prepared using a conventional solid state, mixed oxide …
NdFeO 3-0.03 Nd 2/3 TiO 3) were prepared using a conventional solid state, mixed oxide …
Polarization and strain response in Bi0. 5K0. 5TiO3-BiFeO3 ceramics
Highly dense and phase-pure ferroelectric ceramics in the (1-x) Bi 0.5 K 0.5 TiO 3–xBiFeO 3
system have been prepared and examined in a wide range of composition (0.1≤ x≤ 0.9) …
system have been prepared and examined in a wide range of composition (0.1≤ x≤ 0.9) …
Electrical conductivity and thermopower of (1− x) BiFeO 3–x Bi 0.5 K 0.5 TiO 3 (x= 0.1, 0.2) ceramics near the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition
ET Wefring, MA Einarsrud, T Grande - Physical Chemistry Chemical …, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Ferroelectric BiFeO3 has attractive properties such as high strain and polarization, but a
wide range of applications of bulk BiFeO3 are hindered due to high leakage currents and a …
wide range of applications of bulk BiFeO3 are hindered due to high leakage currents and a …
Atmosphere controlled conductivity and Maxwell-Wagner relaxation in Bi0. 5K0. 5TiO3—BiFeO3 ceramics
Here, we report on a giant dielectric relaxation in (1− x) Bi 0.5 K 0.5 TiO 3—xBiFeO 3
ceramics below∼ 300 C, which becomes more pronounced with increasing BiFeO 3 …
ceramics below∼ 300 C, which becomes more pronounced with increasing BiFeO 3 …
Structural Disorder and Coherence across the Phase Transitions of Lead-Free Piezoelectric Bi0.5K0.5TiO3
Relaxor ferroelectrics exhibit superior properties for converting mechanical energy into
electrical energy, and vice versa, but the structural disorder hampers an understanding of …
electrical energy, and vice versa, but the structural disorder hampers an understanding of …
Tailoring the structure and piezoelectric properties of BiFeO3-(K0. 5Bi0. 5) TiO3–PbTiO3 ceramics for high temperature applications
There is a growing requirement for piezoelectric materials and systems which can operate in
extreme environments, for example, oil & gas, and aerospace. Here, we present the high …
extreme environments, for example, oil & gas, and aerospace. Here, we present the high …
Solid‐State Synthesis and Properties of Relaxor (1−x)BKT–xBNZ Ceramics
ET Wefring, MI Morozov, MA Einarsrud… - Journal of the …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Conventional solid‐state synthesis was used to synthesize dense and phase pure ceramics
in the (1− x) Bi0. 5K0. 5TiO3–xBi0. 5Na0. 5ZrO3 (BKT–BNZ) system. Structural …
in the (1− x) Bi0. 5K0. 5TiO3–xBi0. 5Na0. 5ZrO3 (BKT–BNZ) system. Structural …