[PDF][PDF] When Security Games Go Green: Designing Defender Strategies to Prevent Poaching and Illegal Fishing.

F Fang, P Stone, M Tambe - IJCAI, 2015 - cais.usc.edu
Building on the successful applications of Stackelberg Security Games (SSGs) to protect
infrastructure, researchers have begun focusing on applying game theory to green security …

Cloudy with a chance of poaching: Adversary behavior modeling and forecasting with real-world poaching data

D Kar, B Ford, S Gholami, F Fang, A Plumptre… - 2017 - dash.lib.harvard.edu
Wildlife conservation organizations task rangers to deter and capture wildlife poachers.
Since rangers are responsible for patrolling vast areas, adversary behavior modeling can …

Learning equilibria of games via payoff queries

J Fearnley, M Gairing, P Goldberg… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
A recent body of experimental literature has studied empirical game-theoretical analysis, in
which we have partial knowledge of a game, consisting of observations of a subset of the …

Stackelberg equilibria of an anti-jamming game in cooperative cognitive radio networks

IK Ahmed, AO Fapojuwo - IEEE Transactions on Cognitive …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The deceiving attacker is a radio jammer, equipped with a cognitive radio (CR) platform,
which senses the frequency spectrum and launches jamming actions to block, mask, or …

When are overcomplete topic models identifiable? uniqueness of tensor tucker decompositions with structured sparsity

A Anandkumar, D Hsu, M Janzamin… - The Journal of Machine …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
Overcomplete latent representations have been very popular for unsupervised feature
learning in recent years. In this paper, we specify which overcomplete models can be …

Playing repeated security games with no prior knowledge

H Xu, L Tran-Thanh, N Jennings - AAMAS'16: Proceedings of …, 2016 - wrap.warwick.ac.uk
This paper investigates repeated security games with unknown (to the defender) game
payoffs and attacker behaviors. As existing work assumes prior knowledge about either the …

Darkmention: A deployed system to predict enterprise-targeted external cyberattacks

M Almukaynizi, E Marin, E Nunes… - … on Intelligence and …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent incidents of data breaches call for organizations to proactively identify cyber attacks
on their systems. Darkweb/Deepweb (D2web) forums and marketplaces provide …

Making the most of our regrets: Regret-based solutions to handle payoff uncertainty and elicitation in green security games

TH Nguyen, FMD Fave, D Kar… - Decision and Game …, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Recent research on Green Security Games (GSG), ie, security games for the
protection of wildlife, forest and fisheries, relies on the promise of an abundance of available …

Identifying behaviorally robust strategies for normal form games under varying forms of uncertainty

WN Caballero, BJ Lunday, RP Uber - European Journal of Operational …, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent advances in behavioral game theory address a persistent criticism of traditional
solution concepts that rely upon perfect rationality: equilibrium results are often inconsistent …

Optimal patrol routes: interdicting and pursuing rhino poachers

TC Haas, SM Ferreira - Police Practice and Research, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Interdiction patrolling (also known as hot spots policing) is a proactive police operation that
depends on good planning. And the pursuit of fleeing suspects is a challenging operation …