[PDF][PDF] When Security Games Go Green: Designing Defender Strategies to Prevent Poaching and Illegal Fishing.
Building on the successful applications of Stackelberg Security Games (SSGs) to protect
infrastructure, researchers have begun focusing on applying game theory to green security …
infrastructure, researchers have begun focusing on applying game theory to green security …
Cloudy with a chance of poaching: Adversary behavior modeling and forecasting with real-world poaching data
Wildlife conservation organizations task rangers to deter and capture wildlife poachers.
Since rangers are responsible for patrolling vast areas, adversary behavior modeling can …
Since rangers are responsible for patrolling vast areas, adversary behavior modeling can …
Learning equilibria of games via payoff queries
A recent body of experimental literature has studied empirical game-theoretical analysis, in
which we have partial knowledge of a game, consisting of observations of a subset of the …
which we have partial knowledge of a game, consisting of observations of a subset of the …
Stackelberg equilibria of an anti-jamming game in cooperative cognitive radio networks
IK Ahmed, AO Fapojuwo - IEEE Transactions on Cognitive …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The deceiving attacker is a radio jammer, equipped with a cognitive radio (CR) platform,
which senses the frequency spectrum and launches jamming actions to block, mask, or …
which senses the frequency spectrum and launches jamming actions to block, mask, or …
When are overcomplete topic models identifiable? uniqueness of tensor tucker decompositions with structured sparsity
Overcomplete latent representations have been very popular for unsupervised feature
learning in recent years. In this paper, we specify which overcomplete models can be …
learning in recent years. In this paper, we specify which overcomplete models can be …
Playing repeated security games with no prior knowledge
This paper investigates repeated security games with unknown (to the defender) game
payoffs and attacker behaviors. As existing work assumes prior knowledge about either the …
payoffs and attacker behaviors. As existing work assumes prior knowledge about either the …
Darkmention: A deployed system to predict enterprise-targeted external cyberattacks
Recent incidents of data breaches call for organizations to proactively identify cyber attacks
on their systems. Darkweb/Deepweb (D2web) forums and marketplaces provide …
on their systems. Darkweb/Deepweb (D2web) forums and marketplaces provide …
Making the most of our regrets: Regret-based solutions to handle payoff uncertainty and elicitation in green security games
TH Nguyen, FMD Fave, D Kar… - Decision and Game …, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Recent research on Green Security Games (GSG), ie, security games for the
protection of wildlife, forest and fisheries, relies on the promise of an abundance of available …
protection of wildlife, forest and fisheries, relies on the promise of an abundance of available …
Identifying behaviorally robust strategies for normal form games under varying forms of uncertainty
Recent advances in behavioral game theory address a persistent criticism of traditional
solution concepts that rely upon perfect rationality: equilibrium results are often inconsistent …
solution concepts that rely upon perfect rationality: equilibrium results are often inconsistent …
Optimal patrol routes: interdicting and pursuing rhino poachers
Interdiction patrolling (also known as hot spots policing) is a proactive police operation that
depends on good planning. And the pursuit of fleeing suspects is a challenging operation …
depends on good planning. And the pursuit of fleeing suspects is a challenging operation …