Integration of novel sensors and machine learning for predictive maintenance in medium voltage switchgear to enable the energy and mobility revolutions
The development of renewable energies and smart mobility has profoundly impacted the
future of the distribution grid. An increasing bidirectional energy flow stresses the assets of …
future of the distribution grid. An increasing bidirectional energy flow stresses the assets of …
Servitization and Industry 4.0 convergence in the digital transformation of product firms: A business model innovation perspective
Servitization and Industry 4.0 are considered two of the most recent trends transforming
industrial companies. Servitization is mainly focused on adding value to the customer …
industrial companies. Servitization is mainly focused on adding value to the customer …
[HTML][HTML] Systematic literature review—effects of PSS on sustainability based on use case assessments
Product-service systems (PSS) are often presented as an inherently sustainable business
model. The argumentation is often based on theoretical considerations, which cite circular …
model. The argumentation is often based on theoretical considerations, which cite circular …
Barriers and opportunities of digital servitization for SMEs: the effect of smart Product-Service System business models
Digital servitization enables SMEs to propose smart Product-Service Systems (PSS)
integrating products and services. Limited discussion of this contemporary and challenging …
integrating products and services. Limited discussion of this contemporary and challenging …
When does digital technology adoption enhance firms' sustainable innovation performance? A configurational analysis in China
Digital technology (DT) has been widely adopted by firms to improve their innovation
performance. However, few studies have explored the diversified adoption of DTs and the …
performance. However, few studies have explored the diversified adoption of DTs and the …
[HTML][HTML] Develo** industrial cps: A multi-disciplinary challenge
Industrial Cyber–Physical System (CPS) is an emerging approach towards value creation in
modern industrial production. The development and implementation of industrial CPS in real …
modern industrial production. The development and implementation of industrial CPS in real …
The role of internet-of-things for service transformation
The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly becoming a key technology for service
transformation, that is, the transition from pure product sales to so-called “bundles” of …
transformation, that is, the transition from pure product sales to so-called “bundles” of …
DART: Dependable VLSI test architecture and its implementation
Y Sato, S Kajihara, T Yoneda… - 2012 IEEE …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Although many electronic safety-related systems require very high reliability, it is becoming
harder and harder to achieve it because of delay-related failures, which are caused by …
harder and harder to achieve it because of delay-related failures, which are caused by …
How to survive a PhD–using Design Thinking methods and the Business Model Canvas
Graduate students face great non-technical challenges during their PhD. Also supervisors
can struggle in effective multi-PhD management. The present study explores the utilization …
can struggle in effective multi-PhD management. The present study explores the utilization …
Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing of Pattern Mining of Event-Log Data-A Use-Case from Process Industry
With the advent of cloud computing and its model for IT services based on the Internet and
big data centers, the interest of industries into XaaS (" Anything as a Service") paradigm is …
big data centers, the interest of industries into XaaS (" Anything as a Service") paradigm is …