Aegean tectonics: Strain localisation, slab tearing and trench retreat
We review the geodynamic evolution of the Aegean–Anatolia region and discuss strain
localisation there over geological times. From Late Eocene to Present, crustal deformation in …
localisation there over geological times. From Late Eocene to Present, crustal deformation in …
Present-day kinematics of the Mediterranean: A comprehensive overview of GPS results
JM Nocquet - Tectonophysics, 2012 - Elsevier
I combine recently published GPS results to derive a geodetic horizontal velocity field
consistent at the scale of the Mediterranean and the surrounding Alpine belts. The velocity …
consistent at the scale of the Mediterranean and the surrounding Alpine belts. The velocity …
GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa‐Arabia‐Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions
The GPS‐derived velocity field (1988–2005) for the zone of interaction of the Arabian,
African (Nubian, Somalian), and Eurasian plates indicates counterclockwise rotation of a …
African (Nubian, Somalian), and Eurasian plates indicates counterclockwise rotation of a …
Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Aegean
The Aegean region is a concentrate of the main geodynamic processes that shaped the
Mediterranean region: oceanic and continental subduction, mountain building, high …
Mediterranean region: oceanic and continental subduction, mountain building, high …
Active tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region: deduced from GPS, neotectonic and seismicity data
A Barka, R Reilinger - Annals of Geophysics, 1997 -
This paper reviews the main tectonic features of the Eastern Mediterranean region
combining the recent information obtained from GPS measurements, seismicity and …
combining the recent information obtained from GPS measurements, seismicity and …
Quaternary evolution of the Corinth Rift and its implications for the Late Cenozoic evolution of the Aegean
We present geological and morphological observations at different scales to constrain rates
of faulting and the distribution of deformation in the seismically active Aegean region. We …
of faulting and the distribution of deformation in the seismically active Aegean region. We …
Midcrustal shear zones in postorogenic extension: example from the northern Tyrrhenian Sea
Metamorphic core complexes of the Aegean region have revealed midcrustal, shallow‐
dip** extensional shear zones. These shear zones display constant kinematic indicators …
dip** extensional shear zones. These shear zones display constant kinematic indicators …
The igneous rocks of Greece: the anatomy of an orogen
G Pe-Piper, DJW Piper, DR Lentz - 2004 -
Reviewed by David R. Lentz Department of Geology, University of New Brunswick,
Fredericton, NB and regional experts. Although there is an obvious emphasis on the …
Fredericton, NB and regional experts. Although there is an obvious emphasis on the …
Slab detachment beneath eastern Anatolia: A possible cause for the formation of the North Anatolian fault
In this paper, we discuss the possibility that the North Anatolian fault (NAF) results from the
deep deformation of the slab beneath the Bitlis–Hellenic subduction zone. We described the …
deep deformation of the slab beneath the Bitlis–Hellenic subduction zone. We described the …
[PDF][PDF] Subduction tectonics and exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Mediterranean orogens
Using the peri-Mediterranean blueschist belts as a case study we discuss the mechanisms
of syn-orogenic exhumation of high-pressure (HP) and ultra-highpressure (UHP) rocks. The …
of syn-orogenic exhumation of high-pressure (HP) and ultra-highpressure (UHP) rocks. The …