Defect sensitivity and fatigue design: Deterministic and probabilistic aspects in AM metallic materials
Fatigue performance in both traditional and additively manufactured materials is severely
affected by the presence of defects, which deserve special attention to ensure the in-service …
affected by the presence of defects, which deserve special attention to ensure the in-service …
[HTML][HTML] A review on the fatigue behaviour of AlSi10Mg alloy fabricated using laser powder bed fusion technique
Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) of AlSi10Mg alloy is widely studied for the aerospace and
automotive applications. Considering safety over cost, fatigue life of the material is very …
automotive applications. Considering safety over cost, fatigue life of the material is very …
Competing crack initiation behaviors of a laser additively manufactured nickel-based superalloy in high and very high cycle fatigue regimes
Ultrasonic fatigue tests were performed to investigate high and very high cycle fatigue
behaviors of a laser additively manufactured Inconel 718 (IN718) alloy in the as-deposited …
behaviors of a laser additively manufactured Inconel 718 (IN718) alloy in the as-deposited …
A holistic review on fatigue properties of additively manufactured metals
Additive manufacturing (AM) technology is undergoing rapid development as an advanced
technique for fabricating light-weight and complex-shape metallic parts with acceptable …
technique for fabricating light-weight and complex-shape metallic parts with acceptable …
Effect of microstructure, residual stresses and building orientation on the fatigue response up to 109 cycles of an SLM AlSi10Mg alloy
It is well-known in the literature that the fatigue response of specimens produced through
Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes is mainly controlled by the defect population …
Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes is mainly controlled by the defect population …
Very-high-cycle fatigue behavior of AlSi10Mg manufactured by selective laser melting: Effect of build orientation and mean stress
This paper studies the influence of build orientation and mean stress on the very-high-cycle
fatigue (VHCF) behavior of AlSi10Mg fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) …
fatigue (VHCF) behavior of AlSi10Mg fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) …
High-cycle and very-high-cycle fatigue of an additively manufactured aluminium alloy under axial cycling at ultrasonic and conventional frequencies
X Pan, Y Hong - International Journal of Fatigue, 2024 - Elsevier
Along the building direction, the fatigue behavior of an additively manufactured (AM)
aluminium (AlSi10Mg) alloy was investigated in high-cycle and very-high-cycle regimes by …
aluminium (AlSi10Mg) alloy was investigated in high-cycle and very-high-cycle regimes by …
Ultrasonic fatigue of laser beam powder bed fused metals: A state-of-the-art review
Ultrasonic fatigue testing is a resourceful (time-and cost-saving) approach to assess the
dynamic failure of materials in the gigacycle range (ie, when the number of cycles to failure …
dynamic failure of materials in the gigacycle range (ie, when the number of cycles to failure …
In-situ investigation on fatigue behaviors of Ti-6Al-4V manufactured by selective laser melting
In-situ fatigue tests were conducted for exploring the fatigue crack propagation process for Ti-
6Al-4V manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM). Fatigue specimens were prepared …
6Al-4V manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM). Fatigue specimens were prepared …
Crack initiation behavior and fatigue performance up to very-high-cycle regime of AlSi10Mg fabricated by selective laser melting with two powder sizes
The high-cycle and very-high-cycle fatigue (VHCF) behavior of AlSi10Mg specimens
manufactured by selective laser melting with different printing powder sizes was …
manufactured by selective laser melting with different printing powder sizes was …