[HTML][HTML] Ethical concerns in sport: when the will to win exceed the spirit of sport

N Vargas-Mendoza, T Fregoso-Aguilar… - Behavioral …, 2018 - mdpi.com
Background: The need to advance and achieve success is deeply ingrained in human
evolution. As a species, humans developed instincts that allowed them to survive and …

From bench to bedside, to track & field

S Camporesi - 2014 - books.google.com
What is it to talk about gene transfer, gene therapy, and gene do**? Is choosing deafness
with preimplantation genetic diagnosis an ethical way to carry on a cultural bloodline? What …

Unfair advantage and the myth of the level playing field in IAAF and IOC policies on hyperandrogenism: When is it fair to be a woman?

C Silvia, M Paolo - Gender Testing in Sport, 2016 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The Caster Semenya case represents an interesting interaction between scientific
descriptions of reality and value-laden social constructs. One that involves, at the same time …

For additional information about this book

S Camporesi - immunodeficiency - muse.jhu.edu
Abrahams, Adolphe. 1958.“The Use and Abuse of Drugs by Athletes.” Addiction 55 (1)(July):
23–28. doi: 10.1111/j. 1360-0443.1958. tb05458. x. Adams, Stephen. 2012.“British couples …

[PDF][PDF] The 'androgenization'of sex and fairness, the 'pathologization'of difference

S Camporesi, P Maugeri - researchgate.net
“These kind of people should not run with us. For me, she is not a woman. She'sa man.” This
is what Elisa Cusma Piccione, a disappointed Italian runner finished 6th, was reported …

[PDF][PDF] Dilemas bioéticos a partir del mejoramiento deportivo postconvencional para la educación deportiva.

HD Caro Romero - 2019 - repository.pedagogica.edu.co
La tesis presenta un estudio cualitativo, que combinó la metodología de revisión
documental (páramo, 2011) con la metodología experiencial descrita por Jacoby y Siminoff …

A Path Through the (Moral) Morass: Genome Editing, Reproduction and Broad Conversations

G Cavaliere - Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty: Ethical …, 2018 - Springer
In this chapter, I discuss the possibility of using genome editing technologies in the context
of assisted reproduction. I present the most prominent arguments in favour of and against …

Rationality and the genetic challenge revisited

M Häyry - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2011 - cambridge.org
My recently published book Rationality and the Genetic Challenge: Making People Better?
analyzes different philosophical responses to developments in genetics. 1 In the last two …

A Path Through the (Moral) Morass

G Cavaliere - Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty …, 2018 - books.google.com
In this chapter, I discuss the possibility of using genome editing technologies in the context
of assisted reproduction. I present the most prominent arguments in favour of and against …

Ethical Concerns in Sport: When theWill toWin Exceed the Spirit of Sport.

N Vargas-Mendoza, T Fregoso-Aguilar… - Behavioral …, 2018 - search.ebscohost.com
Background: The need to advance and achieve success is deeply ingrained in human
evolution. As a species, humans developed instincts that allowed them to survive and …