On cost-driven collaborative data caching: A new model approach

Y Wang, S He, X Fan, C Xu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper we consider a new caching model that enables data sharing for network
services in a cost-effective way. The proposed caching algorithms are characterized by …

Cache what you need to cache: Reducing write traffic in cloud cache via “one-time-access-exclusion” policy

H Wang, J Zhang, P Huang, X Yi, B Cheng… - ACM Transactions on …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
The SSD has been playing a significantly important role in caching systems due to its high
performance-to-cost ratio. Since the cache space is typically much smaller than that of the …

A node virtualization scheme for structured overlay networks based on multiple different time intervals

T Kawakami - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
Sensor data which relate to the specific geographical positions, areas, and time are strongly
expected in IoT. The author has studied overlay networks to efficiently process interval …

DP_greedy: A two-phase caching algorithm for mobile cloud services

D Huang, X Fan, Y Wang, S He… - 2019 IEEE International …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we study the data caching problem in mobile cloud environment where
multiple correlated data items could be packed and migrated to serve a predefined …

Data Caching Based Transfer Optimization in Large Scale Networks

X Han, G Gao, Y Wang, HF Ting, Y Zhang - Parallel and Distributed …, 2021 - Springer
With the tremendous increased scale of networks, data transferring plays a very important
role in high performance computing. Traditionally, when a task is completed, the data …

多様なデータサイズ分布を持つ Zipf 分布型処理要求に対する負荷分散とインメモリデータ・サイズ**似的最小化

山下高生, 栗田弘之, 高田直樹 - 情報処理学会論文誌, 2017 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 本論文では, ネットワーク装置の制御等, 一定のリアルタイム性が求められる Key-Value
型データ処理における負荷分散方法を提案する. 提案方法は, Key-Value 型データにおけるキーの …

Performance Analysis and Optimization of Cooperative Caching in Cellular Networks

F Cao, Z Zhu, M Sooriyabandara, Z Fan… - … Wireless 2019; 25th …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper analyzes the performance of cooperative caching for cellular networks by
modeling the locations of base stations as a homogeneous Poisson point process, where …

Zipf 分布に適したスケールアウト型負荷分散とインメモリデータ・サイズの**似的最小化

山下高生, 栗田弘之, 高田直樹 - 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B, 2017 - search.ieice.org
本論文では, ネットワーク装置の制御等, 一定のリアルタイム性が求められるデータ処理において,
少量のデータに大半の処理要求が集中する一方で, 処理要求頻度が低いデータが大量に存在する …

Simulación de un mecanismo de control de potencia en aodv en función del número de vecinos usando cross layering en una MANET

LY Maygua Marcillo - 2017 - bibdigital.epn.edu.ec