Resource-rational analysis: Understanding human cognition as the optimal use of limited computational resources
Modeling human cognition is challenging because there are infinitely many mechanisms
that can generate any given observation. Some researchers address this by constraining the …
that can generate any given observation. Some researchers address this by constraining the …
Boosting human decision-making with AI-generated decision aids
Human decision-making is plagued by many systematic errors. Many of these errors can be
avoided by providing decision aids that guide decision-makers to attend to the important …
avoided by providing decision aids that guide decision-makers to attend to the important …
Automatic discovery of interpretable planning strategies
When making decisions, people often overlook critical information or are overly swayed by
irrelevant information. A common approach to mitigate these biases is to provide decision …
irrelevant information. A common approach to mitigate these biases is to provide decision …
Multiple conceptions of resource rationality
Resource rationality holds great promise as a unifying principle across theories in
neuroscience, cognitive science, and economics. The target article clearly lays out this …
neuroscience, cognitive science, and economics. The target article clearly lays out this …
Improving human decision-making by discovering efficient strategies for hierarchical planning
To make good decisions in the real world, people need efficient planning strategies because
their computational resources are limited. Knowing which planning strategies would work …
their computational resources are limited. Knowing which planning strategies would work …
Resource-rationality beyond individual minds: The case of interactive language use
Resource-rational approaches offer much promise for understanding human cognition,
especially if they can reach beyond the confines of individual minds. Language allows …
especially if they can reach beyond the confines of individual minds. Language allows …
Computational limits don't fully explain human cognitive limitations.
The project of justifying all the limits and failings of human cognition as inevitable
consequences of strategies that are actually" optimal" relative to the limits on computational …
consequences of strategies that are actually" optimal" relative to the limits on computational …
[PDF][PDF] Discovering rational heuristics for risky choice
For computationally limited agents such as humans, perfectly rational decision-making is
almost always out of reach. Instead, people may rely on computationally frugal heuristics …
almost always out of reach. Instead, people may rely on computationally frugal heuristics …
Can resources save rationality?'Anti-Bayesian'updating in cognition and perception
E Mandelbaum, I Won, S Gross, C Firestone - 2020 - philpapers.org
Resource rationality may explain suboptimal patterns of reasoning; but what of “anti-
Bayesian” effects where the mind updates in a direction opposite the one it should? We …
Bayesian” effects where the mind updates in a direction opposite the one it should? We …
Towards a quantum-like cognitive architecture for decision-making
We propose an alternative and unifying framework for decision-making that, by using
quantum mechanics, provides more generalised cognitive and decision models with the …
quantum mechanics, provides more generalised cognitive and decision models with the …