Insect societies fight back: the evolution of defensive traits against social parasites
Insect societies face many social parasites that exploit their altruistic behaviours or their
resources. Due to the fitness costs these social parasites incur, hosts have evolved various …
resources. Due to the fitness costs these social parasites incur, hosts have evolved various …
Inquiline social parasites as tools to unlock the secrets of insect sociality
Insect societies play a crucial role in the functioning of most ecosystems and have fascinated
both scientists and the lay public for centuries. Despite the long history of study, we are still …
both scientists and the lay public for centuries. Despite the long history of study, we are still …
Brain and antennal transcriptomes of host ants reveal potential links between behaviour and the functioning of socially parasitic colonies
Insect social parasites are characterized by exploiting the hosts' social behaviour. Why
exactly hosts direct their caring behaviour towards these parasites and their offspring …
exactly hosts direct their caring behaviour towards these parasites and their offspring …
Visual recognition in social wasps
Social recognition, ie the ability to recognize and assign individual membership to a
particular and relevant class, such as caste, dominance status, gender or colony, shapes the …
particular and relevant class, such as caste, dominance status, gender or colony, shapes the …
Comparison of reproductive traits of foundresses in a native and an invasive hornet in Europe
The population dynamics of annual social hymenoptera such as vespids depend largely on
the fertility of the foundresses, which, in turn, is a key factor in the context of biological …
the fertility of the foundresses, which, in turn, is a key factor in the context of biological …
Differential investment in visual and olfactory brain regions is linked to the sensory needs of a wasp social parasite and its host
AN Rozanski, A Cini, TE Lopreto… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Obligate insect social parasites evolve traits to effectively locate and then exploit their hosts,
whereas hosts have complex social behavioral repertoires, which include sensory …
whereas hosts have complex social behavioral repertoires, which include sensory …
Social parasitism and the molecular basis of phenotypic evolution
A Cini, S Patalano, A Segonds-Pichon… - Frontiers in …, 2015 -
Contrasting phenotypes arise from similar genomes through a combination of losses, gains,
co-option and modifications of inherited genomic material. Understanding the molecular …
co-option and modifications of inherited genomic material. Understanding the molecular …
Reproductive dominance strategies in insect social parasites
In eusocial insects, the high cost of altruistic cooperation between colony members has
favoured the evolution of cheaters that exploit social services of other species. In the most …
favoured the evolution of cheaters that exploit social services of other species. In the most …
High indirect fitness benefits for helpers across the nesting cycle in the tropical paper wasp Polistes canadensis
Explaining the evolution of hel** behaviour in the eusocial insects where nonreproductive
(“worker”) individuals help raise the offspring of other individuals (“queens”) remains one of …
(“worker”) individuals help raise the offspring of other individuals (“queens”) remains one of …
The possible role of ant larvae in the defence against social parasites
U Pulliainen, H Helanterä… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 -
Temporary social parasite ant queens initiate new colonies by entering colonies of host
species, where they begin laying eggs. As the resident queen can be killed during this …
species, where they begin laying eggs. As the resident queen can be killed during this …