[HTML][HTML] A survey of parameterized algorithms and the complexity of edge modification
The survey is a comprehensive overview of the develo** area of parameterized
algorithms for graph modification problems. It describes state of the art in kernelization …
algorithms for graph modification problems. It describes state of the art in kernelization …
Towards sustainable WEEE collection and transportation methods in circular economy-Comparative study for rural and urban settlements
P Nowakowski, B Mrówczyńska - Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018 - Elsevier
A circular economy approach requires methods of resource management that are
sustainable and efficient. A crucial process in waste management is collection and …
sustainable and efficient. A crucial process in waste management is collection and …
An updated annotated bibliography on arc routing problems
The number of arc routing publications has increased significantly in the last decade. Such
an increase justifies a second annotated bibliography, a sequel to Corberán and Prins …
an increase justifies a second annotated bibliography, a sequel to Corberán and Prins …
[HTML][HTML] A historical note on the 3/2-approximation algorithm for the metric traveling salesman problem
R van Bevern, VA Slugina - Historia Mathematica, 2020 - Elsevier
One of the most fundamental results in combinatorial optimization is the polynomial-time 3/2-
approximation algorithm for the metric traveling salesman problem. It was presented by …
approximation algorithm for the metric traveling salesman problem. It was presented by …
Chapter 2: The complexity of arc routing problems
2.1▪ Introduction This chapter is devoted to surveying aspects of computational complexity
for three central arc routing problems (and their corresponding variants): CHINESE …
for three central arc routing problems (and their corresponding variants): CHINESE …
A parameterized approximation algorithm for the mixed and windy capacitated arc routing problem: Theory and experiments
We prove that any polynomial‐time‐approximation algorithm for the n‐vertex metric
asymmetric Traveling Salesperson Problem yields a polynomial‐time‐approximation …
asymmetric Traveling Salesperson Problem yields a polynomial‐time‐approximation …
[HTML][HTML] Rural Postman parameterized by the number of components of required edges
Abstract In the Directed Rural Postman Problem (DRPP), given a strongly connected
directed multigraph D=(V, A) with nonnegative integral weights on the arcs, a subset R of …
directed multigraph D=(V, A) with nonnegative integral weights on the arcs, a subset R of …
Efficient algorithms for Eulerian extension and rural postman
F Dorn, H Moser, R Niedermeier, M Weller - SIAM Journal on Discrete …, 2013 - SIAM
The aim of directed Eulerian extension problems is to make a given directed, possibly arc-
weighted,(multi-) graph Eulerian by adding a minimum-cost set of arcs. These problems …
weighted,(multi-) graph Eulerian by adding a minimum-cost set of arcs. These problems …
[HTML][HTML] A new view on Rural Postman based on Eulerian Extension and Matching
We provide a new characterization of the NP-hard arc routing problem Rural Postman in
terms of a constrained variant of minimum-weight perfect matching on bipartite graphs. To …
terms of a constrained variant of minimum-weight perfect matching on bipartite graphs. To …
Parameterized algorithms and data reduction for the short secluded s‐t‐path problem
Given a graph G=(V, E), two vertices s, t∈ V, and two integers k, ℓ, the Short Secluded Path
problem is to find a simple s‐t‐path with at most k vertices and ℓ neighbors. We study the …
problem is to find a simple s‐t‐path with at most k vertices and ℓ neighbors. We study the …