The impact of extended bed rest on the musculoskeletal system in the critical care environment
Prolonged immobility is harmful with rapid reductions in muscle mass, bone mineral density
and impairment in other body systems evident within the first week of bed rest which is …
and impairment in other body systems evident within the first week of bed rest which is …
What makes champions? A review of the relative contribution of genes and training to sporting success
Elite sporting performance results from the combination of innumerable factors, which
interact with one another in a poorly understood but complex manner to mould a talented …
interact with one another in a poorly understood but complex manner to mould a talented …
Pharmacologic options for the treatment of sarcopenia
JE Morley - Calcified tissue international, 2016 - Springer
Sarcopenia is now clinically defined as a loss of muscle mass coupled with functional
deterioration (either walking speed or distance or grip strength). Based on the FRAX studies …
deterioration (either walking speed or distance or grip strength). Based on the FRAX studies …
[किताब][B] Science and development of muscle hypertrophy
BJ Schoenfeld - 2020 -
Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy, Second Edition, is the most
comprehensive resource on muscle hypertrophy in the world. Written by Brad Schoenfeld …
comprehensive resource on muscle hypertrophy in the world. Written by Brad Schoenfeld …
Evidence based resistance training recommendations
Resistance training produces an array of health benefits, as well as the potential to promote
muscular adaptations of strength, size, power and endurance. The American College of …
muscular adaptations of strength, size, power and endurance. The American College of …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of six weeks' progressive resistance training on hippocampus BDNF gene expression and serum changes of TNF-α in diabetic wistar rats
Background and Purpose: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with decreases in
neurons in several important areas for memory and learning in the brain, especially in the …
neurons in several important areas for memory and learning in the brain, especially in the …
[किताब][B] Молекулярная генетика спорта. Монография
ИИ Ахметов - 2009 -
Предлагаемая читателю монография–одна из первых попыток систематизации
накопленной к настоящему времени информации в области молекулярной генетики …
накопленной к настоящему времени информации в области молекулярной генетики …
Meat Science and Muscle Biology Symposium: manipulating mesenchymal progenitor cell differentiation to optimize performance and carcass value of beef cattle
Beef cattle are raised for their lean tissue, and excessive fat accumulation accounts for large
amounts of waste. On the other hand, intramuscular fat or marbling is essential for the …
amounts of waste. On the other hand, intramuscular fat or marbling is essential for the …
Cluster analysis tests the importance of myogenic gene expression during myofiber hypertrophy in humans
MM Bamman, JK Petrella, J Kim… - Journal of applied …, 2007 -
We applied K-means cluster analysis to test the hypothesis that muscle-specific factors
known to modulate protein synthesis and satellite cell activity would be differentially …
known to modulate protein synthesis and satellite cell activity would be differentially …
[HTML][HTML] The effect of eight weeks resistance and endurance training on some angiogenesis factors of hippocampus tissue in male wistar rats
Purpose: One of the cause of adaptations due to exercise training is increased capillary
density or angiogenesis. increased blood flow to hippocampus tissue causes improvement …
density or angiogenesis. increased blood flow to hippocampus tissue causes improvement …