The impact of extended bed rest on the musculoskeletal system in the critical care environment

SM Parry, ZA Puthucheary - Extreme physiology & medicine, 2015 - Springer
Prolonged immobility is harmful with rapid reductions in muscle mass, bone mineral density
and impairment in other body systems evident within the first week of bed rest which is …

What makes champions? A review of the relative contribution of genes and training to sporting success

R Tucker, M Collins - British journal of sports medicine, 2012 -
Elite sporting performance results from the combination of innumerable factors, which
interact with one another in a poorly understood but complex manner to mould a talented …

Pharmacologic options for the treatment of sarcopenia

JE Morley - Calcified tissue international, 2016 - Springer
Sarcopenia is now clinically defined as a loss of muscle mass coupled with functional
deterioration (either walking speed or distance or grip strength). Based on the FRAX studies …

Evidence based resistance training recommendations

J Fisher, J Steele, S Bruce-Low, D Smith - Medicina Sportiva, 2011 -
Resistance training produces an array of health benefits, as well as the potential to promote
muscular adaptations of strength, size, power and endurance. The American College of …

[किताब][B] Молекулярная генетика спорта. Монография

ИИ Ахметов - 2009 -
Предлагаемая читателю монография–одна из первых попыток систематизации
накопленной к настоящему времени информации в области молекулярной генетики …

Cluster analysis tests the importance of myogenic gene expression during myofiber hypertrophy in humans

MM Bamman, JK Petrella, J Kim… - Journal of applied …, 2007 -
We applied K-means cluster analysis to test the hypothesis that muscle-specific factors
known to modulate protein synthesis and satellite cell activity would be differentially …