The interplay of morality, emotional labor, and customer injustice: How salesperson experiences shape job satisfaction
Despite the significant role emotions play in business-to-business (B2B) sales transactions,
the impact of salesperson emotional labor on well-being, specifically job satisfaction, has …
the impact of salesperson emotional labor on well-being, specifically job satisfaction, has …
Influence of sales force automation on salesperson performance: A study of interpersonal and intrapersonal mediators
This article investigates the influence of the use of sales force automation (SFA) on the
performance of business-to-business (B2B) salespersons, given its growing importance and …
performance of business-to-business (B2B) salespersons, given its growing importance and …
International industrial selling: Demands, resources, and burnout
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of job demands and resources
on international salesperson burnout. While general salesperson job demands are known …
on international salesperson burnout. While general salesperson job demands are known …
Burned out on the road: Burnout's impact on job satisfaction among road warriors
This study examines relationships between the dimensions of burnout and aspects of job
satisfaction among road warrior salespeople. Considering the heavy costs associated with …
satisfaction among road warrior salespeople. Considering the heavy costs associated with …
The negative effects of travel friction among road warrior salespeople
Dubbed as road warriors in the popular press, there is a select group of business traveling
dealmakers that take at least four trips by commercial airline and stay in hotels at least thirty …
dealmakers that take at least four trips by commercial airline and stay in hotels at least thirty …
Influence of sales support technologies on salesperson performance: A study of interpersonal and intrapersonal mediators
This paper investigates the influence of the use of sales enablement technologies on the
performance of the B2B salesperson, due to their growing importance and discussed effects …
performance of the B2B salesperson, due to their growing importance and discussed effects …
Influence des technologies d'aide à la vente sur les performances du commercial: étude des médiateurs interpersonnels et intrapersonnels
Résumé Cet article étudie l'influence de l'utilisation des technologies d'aide à la vente sur
les performances du commercial en B2B, en raison de leur importance grandissante et de …
les performances du commercial en B2B, en raison de leur importance grandissante et de …
Administración de fuerza de ventas y publicidad de la empresa televisiva CFTV, Chimbote 2022
ML Alvarez Cabanillas - 2022 - alicia.concytec.gob.pe
El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre la administración de fuerza
de ventas y la publicidad de la empresa televisiva CFTV aplicando el tipo de investigación …
de ventas y la publicidad de la empresa televisiva CFTV aplicando el tipo de investigación …