Research methods for exploring the links between climate change and conflict
T Ide - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The potential links between climate change and conflict have received much attention in
recent years, but there is little consensus on the issue in the relevant literature. So far, few …
recent years, but there is little consensus on the issue in the relevant literature. So far, few …
Spillovers from conservation programs
Conservation programs have increased significantly, as has the evaluation of their impacts.
However, the evaluation of their potential impacts beyond program borders has been …
However, the evaluation of their potential impacts beyond program borders has been …
Price elasticity of water demand considering scarcity and attitudes
The effectiveness of price as a water conservation measure remains an open empirical
issue and relevant policy question. We conduct a meta-regression analysis to single out …
issue and relevant policy question. We conduct a meta-regression analysis to single out …
The resilience of social norms of cooperation under resource scarcity and inequality—An agent-based model on sharing water over two harvesting seasons
Water governance remains a challenge for human societies, especially when the variation in
resource inflow is large and the resource users are heterogeneous. We analyze with a …
resource inflow is large and the resource users are heterogeneous. We analyze with a …
Resource scarcity and cooperation: Evidence from a gravity irrigation system in China
Resource scarcity has become an increasingly pressing challenge to the world. How
scarcity affects people's preferences and behavior has been taken as an important issue for …
scarcity affects people's preferences and behavior has been taken as an important issue for …
Incentives to water conservation under scarcity: Comparing price and reward effects through stated preferences
Focusing on two different European institutional contexts, a stated preference approach is
adopted to elicit the willingness to save water under three alternative incentive policies: a …
adopted to elicit the willingness to save water under three alternative incentive policies: a …
From market failures to collective action dilemmas: Reframing environmental governance challenges in Latin America and beyond
This introductory article to the special section “Collective Action and the Governance of the
Commons in Latin America” has two main objectives. Firstly, to contrast two analytical …
Commons in Latin America” has two main objectives. Firstly, to contrast two analytical …
Food scarcity and disease concern reduce interdependence when people eat together
Food sharing is central to the human experience, serving biological and sociocultural
functions. Historically, food sharing has allowed people to manage food shortages, creating …
functions. Historically, food sharing has allowed people to manage food shortages, creating …
Avoiding catastrophic collapse in small-scale fisheries through inefficient cooperation: evidence from a framed field experiment
Small-scale fisheries (SSFs) are significant for poverty alleviation, but are threatened by over-
exploitation and climate change effects such as drastic drops in regrowth rates. How will …
exploitation and climate change effects such as drastic drops in regrowth rates. How will …
[HTML][HTML] The role of common-pool resources' institutional robustness in a collective action dilemma under environmental variations
Extreme environmental variations, as a phenomenon deriving from climate change, led to an
exacerbated uncertainty on water availability and increased the likelihood of conflicts …
exacerbated uncertainty on water availability and increased the likelihood of conflicts …