[HTML][HTML] Nestedness in complex networks: observation, emergence, and implications

MS Mariani, ZM Ren, J Bascompte, CJ Tessone - Physics Reports, 2019 - Elsevier
The observed architecture of ecological and socio-economic networks differssignificantly
from that of random networks. From a network science standpoint, non-random structural …

Extreme events in dynamical systems and random walkers: A review

SN Chowdhury, A Ray, SK Dana, D Ghosh - Physics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Extreme events gain the attention of researchers due to their utmost importance in various
contexts ranging from climate to brain. An observable that deviates significantly from its long …

A survey of Twitter research: Data model, graph structure, sentiment analysis and attacks

D Antonakaki, P Fragopoulou, S Ioannidis - Expert systems with …, 2021 - Elsevier
Twitter is the third most popular worldwide Online Social Network (OSN) after Facebook and
Instagram. Compared to other OSNs, it has a simple data model and a straightforward data …

Mathematical formulation of multilayer networks

M De Domenico, A Solé-Ribalta, E Cozzo, M Kivelä… - Physical Review X, 2013 - APS
A network representation is useful for describing the structure of a large variety of complex
systems. However, most real and engineered systems have multiple subsystems and layers …

Statistical mechanics of multiplex networks: Entropy and overlap

G Bianconi - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2013 - APS
There is growing interest in multiplex networks where individual nodes take part in several
layers of networks simultaneously. This is the case, for example, in social networks where …

Weighted multiplex networks

G Menichetti, D Remondini, P Panzarasa… - PloS one, 2014 - journals.plos.org
One of the most important challenges in network science is to quantify the information
encoded in complex network structures. Disentangling randomness from organizational …

Spectral entropies as information-theoretic tools for complex network comparison

M De Domenico, J Biamonte - Physical Review X, 2016 - APS
Any physical system can be viewed from the perspective that information is implicitly
represented in its state. However, the quantification of this information when it comes to …

Evolutionary dynamics of cryptocurrency transaction networks: An empirical study

J Liang, L Li, D Zeng - PloS one, 2018 - journals.plos.org
Cryptocurrency is a well-developed blockchain technology application that is currently a
heated topic throughout the world. The public availability of transaction histories offers an …

Entropy of stochastic blockmodel ensembles

TP Peixoto - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2012 - APS
Stochastic blockmodels are generative network models where the vertices are separated
into discrete groups, and the probability of an edge existing between two vertices is …

Shannon and von Neumann entropy of random networks with heterogeneous expected degree

K Anand, G Bianconi, S Severini - … Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2011 - APS
Entropic measures of complexity are able to quantify the information encoded in complex
network structures. Several entropic measures have been proposed in this respect. Here we …