Switching event-triggered adaptive resilient dynamic surface control for stochastic nonlinear CPSs with unknown deception attacks
This work concentrates on the adaptive resilient dynamic surface controller design problem
for uncertain nonlinear lower triangular stochastic cyber–physical systems (CPSs) subject to …
for uncertain nonlinear lower triangular stochastic cyber–physical systems (CPSs) subject to …
Competing risks-based resilience approach for multi-state systems under multiple shocks
Effective measurement of system resilience provides a comprehensive understanding of the
system's characteristics. However, little research has been devoted to the resilience of a …
system's characteristics. However, little research has been devoted to the resilience of a …
Resilience importance measure and optimization considering the stepwise recovery of system performance
Effective recovery after disruptions is essential to improve system resilience. For many
distributed systems such as offshore wind farms and communication networks, spatial …
distributed systems such as offshore wind farms and communication networks, spatial …
VirtualClassroom: A lecturer-centered consumer-grade immersive teaching system in cyber–physical–social space
Lecturers, as the guidance of the classroom, play a significant role in the teaching process.
However, the lecturers' sense of space immersion has been ignored in current virtual …
However, the lecturers' sense of space immersion has been ignored in current virtual …
Machine learning accelerated real-time model predictive control for power systems
This paper presents a machine-learning-based speed-up strategy for real-time
implementation of model-predictive-control (MPC) in emergency voltage stabilization of …
implementation of model-predictive-control (MPC) in emergency voltage stabilization of …
Resilience measure and formation reconfiguration optimization for multi-UAV systems
Multiple unmanned aerial vehicle (multi-UAV) system is a type of dynamic spatiotemporal
Internet of Things and susceptible to destruction from the external environment. Meanwhile …
Internet of Things and susceptible to destruction from the external environment. Meanwhile …
Operational resilience metrics for power systems with penetration of renewable resources
Modern power grid is evolving towards carbon neutrality by deploying increasing amount of
renewable energy resources. However, the impact of renewable generation on power …
renewable energy resources. However, the impact of renewable generation on power …
Cyber restoration of power systems: Concept and methodology for resilient observability
In order to have a properly functioning cyber–physical power system, the operational data
need to be properly measured, transmitted, and processed. In case of a malicious event on …
need to be properly measured, transmitted, and processed. In case of a malicious event on …
Event-based adaptive secure asymptotic tracking control for nonlinear cyber–physical systems against unknown deception attacks
Y Tian, N Zhao - Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2024 - Elsevier
This article addresses the event-triggered adaptive neural network asymptotic tracking
control problem for a class of nonlinear cyber–physical systems under unknown deception …
control problem for a class of nonlinear cyber–physical systems under unknown deception …
Event-triggered adaptive finite-time control for switched cyberphysical systems with uncertain deception attacks
This article is concerned with the event-triggered adaptive finite-time control problem for a
class of switched cyber-physical systems (CPSs) subject to uncertain deception attacks. We …
class of switched cyber-physical systems (CPSs) subject to uncertain deception attacks. We …