Synthesis and examination of nanocomposites based on poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) for medicinal use

OS Kukolevska, II Gerashchenko… - Nanoscale Research …, 2017 - Springer
Preparation of poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)(PHEMA) based nanocomposites using
different approaches such as synthesis with water as the porogen, filling of polymer matrix …

[PDF][PDF] Polymeric Material With Controlled Release of Antimicrobial Agents for Medical Application.

V Nagaichuk, I Gerashchenko… - Malaysian Journal of …, 2022 -
Introduction: Nowadays the use of synthetic polymers has become an integral part of
modern medicine. Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) has attracted special attention for …

Experimental substantiation of antimicrobial efficiency of a new composite polymeric material based on Poly (2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate) under the action of low …

V Nagaichuk, R Chornopyshchuk… - Materials Science …, 2021 - Trans Tech Publ
Active use of polymeric materials has become an integral part of all areas of modern
medicine. Wound dressings capable of prolonged release of drugs directly into the lesion …

Antimicrobial Properties of a New Polymeric Material for Medical Purposes Under Conditions of Low-Intensity Current Without External Power Supplies

R Chornopyshchuk, V Nagaichuk, O Nazarchuk… - … Proceedings of ICNBME …, 2022 - Springer
Local use of wound dressings still remains an important element of comprehensive wound
treatment. Materials capable of dosing the release of drugs, including antimicrobial action …

Квантовохімічне моделювання адсорбційних комплексів фрагментів полі (2 гідроксіетилметакрилат) у на поверхні кремнезему

EM Demianenko, AG Grebenyuk, VV Lobanov… - Поверхня, 2016 -
Анотація Встановлено рівноважну просторову будову шести найбільш імовірних
структур адсорбційних комплексів димера 2-гідроксиетилметакрилату на поверхні …