Urban form and travel behavior: Experience from a Nordic context

P Næss - Journal of Transport and Land use, 2012 - JSTOR
This article surveys the results of research carried out in the Nordic countries on the
influence of various aspects of urban form and settlement patterns on travel behavior and …

Residential self‐selection and appropriate control variables in land use: Travel studies

P Næss - Transport Reviews, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Several researchers within the field of land use and travel have claimed that self‐selection of
residents into geographical locations matching their travelling preferences precludes …

Determinants of transport mode choice: a comparison of Germany and the USA

R Buehler - Journal of transport geography, 2011 - Elsevier
Germany and the USA have among the highest motorization rates in the world. Yet Germans
make a four times higher share of trips by foot, bike, and public transport and drive for a 25 …

A global comparative analysis of urban form: Applying spatial metrics and remote sensing

J Huang, XX Lu, JM Sellers - Landscape and urban planning, 2007 - Elsevier
Currently, debates over urban form have generally focused on the contrast between the
“sprawl” often seen as typical of the United States and “compact” urban forms found in parts …

Urbanisation and water consumption: Influencing factors in the metropolitan region of Barcelona

E Domene, D Saurí - Urban studies, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper is concerned with the relationships between urbanisation and residential water
consumption, taking as a case study the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. More precisely, it …

[BOK][B] Sustainable transportation: problems and solutions

WR Black - 2010 - books.google.com
During the last two decades, sustainability has become the dominant concern of
transportation planners and policymakers. This timely text provides a framework for …

Transforming mobility justice: Gendered harassment and violence on transit

A Lubitow, MJ Abelson, E Carpenter - Journal of transport geography, 2020 - Elsevier
Mobility justice scholarship has shown that socially disadvantaged people experience
uneven access to movement through various spaces and even 'immobility'based on their …

Car ownership, travel and land use: a comparison of the US and Great Britain

G Giuliano, J Dargay - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper conducts an international comparative analysis of relationships between car
ownership, daily travel and urban form. Using travel diary data for the US and Great Britain …

Residential location, commuting and non-work travel in two urban areas of different size and with different center structures

P Næss, A Strand, F Wolday, H Stefansdottir - Progress in Planning, 2019 - Elsevier
There is an extensive literature on relationships between the built environment and travel,
but the vast majority of such studies rely solely on statistical analyses of available travel …

[BOK][B] Urban structure matters: residential location, car dependence and travel behaviour

P Næss - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
Going beyond previous investigations into urban land use and travel, Petter Næss presents
new research from Denmark on residential location and travel to show how and why urban …