[HTML][HTML] Review and classification of recent observers applied in chemical process systems
Observers are computational algorithms designed to estimate unmeasured state variables
due to the lack of appropriate estimating devices or to replace high-priced sensors in a plant …
due to the lack of appropriate estimating devices or to replace high-priced sensors in a plant …
[HTML][HTML] Challenges and opportunities on nonlinear state estimation of chemical and biochemical processes
This paper provides an overview of nonlinear state estimation techniques along with a
discussion on the challenges and opportunities for future work in the field. Emphasis is given …
discussion on the challenges and opportunities for future work in the field. Emphasis is given …
Closed loop observers bundle for uncertain biotechnological models
We propose nonlinear observers for a class of biotechnological processes. These observers
are an extension of the open loop asymptotic observers (observers with unknown inputs) …
are an extension of the open loop asymptotic observers (observers with unknown inputs) …
Interval observers for biochemical processes with uncertain kinetics and inputs
A Rapaport, D Dochain - Mathematical biosciences, 2005 - Elsevier
This paper concentrates on the state observation in bioprocesses when there is uncertainty
on the process parameters and/or the process inputs. An interval observer is designed on …
on the process parameters and/or the process inputs. An interval observer is designed on …
Improving continuous–discrete interval observers with application to microalgae-based bioprocesses
Based on intervals bounding the uncertain initial conditions, inputs, model parameters and
measurements, interval observers provide guaranteed intervals for the state trajectory …
measurements, interval observers provide guaranteed intervals for the state trajectory …
Robust asymptotic super twisting sliding mode observer for non-linear uncertain biochemical systems
M Czyżniewski, R Łangowski - Journal of Process Control, 2024 - Elsevier
The problem of state estimation (reconstruction of the state vector) for a given class of
biochemical systems under uncertain system dynamics has been addressed in this paper. In …
biochemical systems under uncertain system dynamics has been addressed in this paper. In …
Dynamic event‐triggered distributed interval functional observers for interconnected systems
In this paper, we design dynamic event‐triggered interval functional observers (FOs) for
interconnected systems comprising MM (M≥ 2)\left (M ≥ 2\right) subsystems where each …
interconnected systems comprising MM (M≥ 2)\left (M ≥ 2\right) subsystems where each …
A robust distributed secure interval observation approach for uncertain discrete-time positive systems under deception attacks
J **e, S Zhu, D Zhang - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the network-based robust distributed state estimation problem of a
class of discrete-time positive systems with bounded parameter perturbation and bounded …
class of discrete-time positive systems with bounded parameter perturbation and bounded …
Control of an ideal activated sludge process in wastewater treatment via an ODE–PDE model
S Diehl, S Farås - Journal of Process Control, 2013 - Elsevier
The activated sludge process (ASP), found in most wastewater treatment plants, consists
basically of a biological reactor followed by a sedimentation tank, which has one inlet and …
basically of a biological reactor followed by a sedimentation tank, which has one inlet and …
[HTML][HTML] Fault detection algorithm for wind turbines' pitch actuator systems
G Pujol-Vazquez, L Acho, J Gibergans-Báguena - Energies, 2020 - mdpi.com
A fault detection innovation to wind turbines' pitch actuators is an important subject to
guarantee the efficiency wind energy conversion and long lifetime operation of these …
guarantee the efficiency wind energy conversion and long lifetime operation of these …