[PDF][PDF] The business model ontology a proposition in a design science approach
A Osterwalder - 2004 - academia.edu
The ideas for this research on business models emerged when e-business, e-commerce
and the socalled new economy where blooming and booming. At that time many people in …
and the socalled new economy where blooming and booming. At that time many people in …
[PDF][PDF] An ontology for e-business models
The terms “business models” and “new business models” probably belong to the most
misinterpreted terms in e-business. Nevertheless,, innovative business models are …
misinterpreted terms in e-business. Nevertheless,, innovative business models are …
Trust aware continuous authorization for zero trust in consumer internet of things
This work describes the architecture and prototype implementation of a novel trust-aware
continuous authorization technology that targets consumer Internet of Things (IoT), eg, Smart …
continuous authorization technology that targets consumer Internet of Things (IoT), eg, Smart …
[PDF][PDF] Contracting with uncertain level of trust
S Brainov, T Sandholm - Proceedings of the 1st ACM conference on …, 1999 - dl.acm.org
The paper investigates the impact of trust on the form and the terms of contracts. A formal
model of a bilateral game between a buyer and a seller is presented. The paper focuses on …
model of a bilateral game between a buyer and a seller is presented. The paper focuses on …
The impact of perceived quality and brand loyalty on venture's equity: The mediating role of customer trust
M Mukhtar, ZU Khan, MB Ahmad, M Irfan - Journal of Entrepreneurship and …, 2024 - jebv.pk
The primary focus of this study is to provide new insights into the correlation between brand
loyalty, perceived quality, and entrepreneurial venture's value, while taking into account the …
loyalty, perceived quality, and entrepreneurial venture's value, while taking into account the …
Trust management and trust theory revision
J Ma, MA Orgun - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A theory of trust for a given system consists of a set of rules that describe trust of agents in
the system. In a certain logical framework, the theory is generally established based on the …
the system. In a certain logical framework, the theory is generally established based on the …
Discretionary enforcement of electronic contracts
As in traditional commerce, parties to a contract in e-business environments are expected to
operate in good faith and comply with mutually agreed terms of the contract. It may be the …
operate in good faith and comply with mutually agreed terms of the contract. It may be the …
A socio-cognitive perspective of trust
Trust and reputation are two distinct social constructs of high complexity that have been
studied for decades in different areas of knowledge. In order to allow for efficient models of …
studied for decades in different areas of knowledge. In order to allow for efficient models of …
A service-oriented trust management framework
T Dimitrakos - Workshop on Deception, Fraud and Trust in Agent …, 2002 - Springer
In this paper we present and analyse a service-oriented trust management framework based
on the integration of role-based modelling and risk assessment in order to support trust …
on the integration of role-based modelling and risk assessment in order to support trust …
Trustworthy service composition: Challenges and research questions
MP Singh - Workshop on Deception, Fraud and Trust in Agent …, 2002 - Springer
Web services have been gathering an increasing amount of attention lately. The raison
d'etre of Web services is that we compose them to create new services. For Web services to …
d'etre of Web services is that we compose them to create new services. For Web services to …