High-cycle shakedown, ratcheting and liquefaction behavior of anisotropic granular material with fabric evolution: experiments and constitutive modelling
Although the mechanical response of granular materials strongly depends on the interplay
between their anisotropic internal structure (fabric) and loading direction, such coupling is …
between their anisotropic internal structure (fabric) and loading direction, such coupling is …
Effect of fabric anisotropy on the cyclic liquefaction of sands: Insight from DEM simulations
A Zhang, M Jiang, D Wang - Computers and Geotechnics, 2023 - Elsevier
To interpret the effects of fabric anisotropy on the cyclic liquefaction of sands, undrained
cyclic triaxial tests on the vertical and horizontal specimens were simulated using the …
cyclic triaxial tests on the vertical and horizontal specimens were simulated using the …
Effect of particle shape on cyclic liquefaction resistance of granular materials
This study adopts three-dimensional discrete element method to examine how particle
shape affects the cyclic liquefaction resistance of granular materials. A family of …
shape affects the cyclic liquefaction resistance of granular materials. A family of …
Liquefaction of granular materials in constant-volume cyclic shearing: Transition between solid-like and fluid-like states
By means of 3D-DEM cyclic simple shear simulations at constant volume, this paper
analyzes the evolution of the internal structure during cyclic liquefaction of dense granular …
analyzes the evolution of the internal structure during cyclic liquefaction of dense granular …
On the influence of cyclic preloadings on the liquefaction resistance of sands: A numerical study
Soil deposits may be subjected to preloading episodes due to different factors such as
previous earthquakes, excavations, refilling, compaction, construction of overlying …
previous earthquakes, excavations, refilling, compaction, construction of overlying …
Hypoplastic model with fabric change effect and semifluidized state for post‐liquefaction cyclic behavior of sand
This paper presented the formulation of a novel hypoplastic model for sand considering both
the cyclic mobility and large accumulative shear deformation in the post‐liquefaction stage …
the cyclic mobility and large accumulative shear deformation in the post‐liquefaction stage …
[HTML][HTML] Modelling of shakedown, ratcheting and liquefaction of saturated granular soils using kinematic hardening with memory surface
The present paper proposes a kinematic hardening model with a memory surface to more
accurately reproduce cyclic hardening and the behaviour of saturated granular soils …
accurately reproduce cyclic hardening and the behaviour of saturated granular soils …
Numerical modeling of soil liquefaction and lateral spreading using the SANISAND-Sf model in the LEAP experiments
Laboratory element and centrifuge tests from LEAP-UCD-2017 and LEAP-Asia-2019 were
used for model calibration and evaluation in a dynamic coupled analysis of a saturated and …
used for model calibration and evaluation in a dynamic coupled analysis of a saturated and …
Evolution of granular materials under isochoric cyclic simple shearing
By means of 3D particle dynamics simulations, we analyze the microstructure of granular
materials subjected to isochoric (constant volume) cyclic shearing, which drives the system …
materials subjected to isochoric (constant volume) cyclic shearing, which drives the system …
Investigating the influence of inherent soil fabrics on reliquefaction resistance of sands using DEM-clump simulation
Inherent fabrics exist in natural soils during deposition. After applying stresses, inherent
fabrics in soils are altered due to the rearrangement of soil particles, which gives rise to …
fabrics in soils are altered due to the rearrangement of soil particles, which gives rise to …