Tunable stiffness in fish robotics: mechanisms and advantages
One of the emerging themes of fish-inspired robotics is flexibility. Adding flexibility to the
body, joints, or fins of fish-inspired robots can significantly improve thrust and/or efficiency …
body, joints, or fins of fish-inspired robots can significantly improve thrust and/or efficiency …
Flexibility is a hidden axis of biomechanical diversity in fishes
Nearly all fish have flexible bodies that bend as a result of internal muscular forces and
external fluid forces that are dynamically coupled with the mechanical properties of the body …
external fluid forces that are dynamically coupled with the mechanical properties of the body …
Evolving soft locomotion in aquatic and terrestrial environments: effects of material properties and environmental transitions
Designing soft robots poses considerable challenges; automated design approaches may
be particularly appealing in this field, as they promise to optimize complex multimaterial …
be particularly appealing in this field, as they promise to optimize complex multimaterial …
Thrust generation by a heaving flexible foil: Resonance, nonlinearities, and optimality
Flexibility of marine animal fins has been thought to enhance swimming performance.
However, despite numerous experimental and numerical studies on flap** flexible foils …
However, despite numerous experimental and numerical studies on flap** flexible foils …
A localized subdomain smoothing MMALE particle method for efficient modeling FSI problems
Abstract Fluid–structure-interaction (FSI) phenomena with multi-phase flow dynamics and
structural damage commonly exist in engineering practice, which however bring great …
structural damage commonly exist in engineering practice, which however bring great …
Reconfiguration of elastic blades in oscillatory flow
T Leclercq, E de Langre - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018 - cambridge.org
When subjected to a steady cross-flow, the deformation of flexible blades is known to result
in the alleviation of the internal stresses in comparison to rigid structures. In the field of …
in the alleviation of the internal stresses in comparison to rigid structures. In the field of …
Swimming performance, resonance and shape evolution in heaving flexible panels
Many animals that swim or fly use their body to accelerate the fluid around them, transferring
momentum from their flexible bodies and appendages to the surrounding fluid. The …
momentum from their flexible bodies and appendages to the surrounding fluid. The …
A fluid–structure interaction solver for the study on a passively deformed fish fin with non-uniformly distributed stiffness
Research on fish locomotion has made extensive progress towards a better understanding
of how fish control their flexible body and fin for propulsion and maneuvering. Although the …
of how fish control their flexible body and fin for propulsion and maneuvering. Although the …
Thrust generation from pitching foils with flexible trailing edge flaps
MJ David, RN Govardhan, JH Arakeri - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017 - cambridge.org
In the present experimental study, we investigate thrust production from a pitching flexible
foil in a uniform flow. The flexible foils studied comprise a rigid foil in the front (chord length) …
foil in a uniform flow. The flexible foils studied comprise a rigid foil in the front (chord length) …
Study of the thrust–drag balance with a swimming robotic fish
A robotic fish is used to test the validity of a simplification made in the context of fish
locomotion. With this artificial aquatic swimmer, we verify that the momentum equation …
locomotion. With this artificial aquatic swimmer, we verify that the momentum equation …