Updated review of advances in microRNAs and complex diseases: taxonomy, trends and challenges of computational models
Since the problem proposed in late 2000s, microRNA–disease association (MDA)
predictions have been implemented based on the data fusion paradigm. Integrating diverse …
predictions have been implemented based on the data fusion paradigm. Integrating diverse …
Updated review of advances in microRNAs and complex diseases: towards systematic evaluation of computational models
Currently, there exist no generally accepted strategies of evaluating computational models
for microRNA-disease associations (MDAs). Though K-fold cross validations and case …
for microRNA-disease associations (MDAs). Though K-fold cross validations and case …
scBERT as a large-scale pretrained deep language model for cell type annotation of single-cell RNA-seq data
Annotating cell types on the basis of single-cell RNA-seq data is a prerequisite for research
on disease progress and tumour microenvironments. Here we show that existing annotation …
on disease progress and tumour microenvironments. Here we show that existing annotation …
The STRING database in 2021: customizable protein–protein networks, and functional characterization of user-uploaded gene/measurement sets
Cellular life depends on a complex web of functional associations between biomolecules.
Among these associations, protein–protein interactions are particularly important due to their …
Among these associations, protein–protein interactions are particularly important due to their …
Updated review of advances in microRNAs and complex diseases: experimental results, databases, webservers and data fusion
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are gene regulators involved in the pathogenesis of complex
diseases such as cancers, and thus serve as potential diagnostic markers and therapeutic …
diseases such as cancers, and thus serve as potential diagnostic markers and therapeutic …
HumanNet v3: an improved database of human gene networks for disease research
Network medicine has proven useful for dissecting genetic organization of complex human
diseases. We have previously published HumanNet, an integrated network of human genes …
diseases. We have previously published HumanNet, an integrated network of human genes …
Large-scale meta-analysis across East Asian and European populations updated genetic architecture and variant-driven biology of rheumatoid arthritis, identifying 11 …
Objectives Nearly 110 susceptibility loci for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with modest effect sizes
have been identified by population-based genetic association studies, suggesting a large …
have been identified by population-based genetic association studies, suggesting a large …
Multi-view multichannel attention graph convolutional network for miRNA–disease association prediction
Motivation: In recent years, a growing number of studies have proved that microRNAs
(miRNAs) play significant roles in the development of human complex diseases. Discovering …
(miRNAs) play significant roles in the development of human complex diseases. Discovering …
A review of biomedical datasets relating to drug discovery: a knowledge graph perspective
Drug discovery and development is a complex and costly process. Machine learning
approaches are being investigated to help improve the effectiveness and speed of multiple …
approaches are being investigated to help improve the effectiveness and speed of multiple …
Scalable multiplex co-fractionation/mass spectrometry platform for accelerated protein interactome discovery
Co-fractionation/mass spectrometry (CF/MS) enables the map** of endogenous
macromolecular networks on a proteome scale, but current methods are experimentally …
macromolecular networks on a proteome scale, but current methods are experimentally …