The role of diagenesis in sha** the geochemistry of the marine carbonate record
Carbonate sediments and rocks are valuable archives of Earth's past whose geochemical
compositions inform our understanding of Earth's surface evolution. Yet carbonates are also …
compositions inform our understanding of Earth's surface evolution. Yet carbonates are also …
Radiocarbon calibration curve spanning 0 to 50,000 years BP based on paired 230Th/234U/238U and 14C dates on pristine corals
RG Fairbanks, RA Mortlock, TC Chiu, L Cao… - Quaternary Science …, 2005 - Elsevier
Radiocarbon dating is the most widely used dating technique in the world. Recent advances
in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and sample preparation techniques have reduced …
in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and sample preparation techniques have reduced …
238U/235U Systematics in Terrestrial Uranium-Bearing Minerals
The present-day 238U/235U ratio has fundamental implications for uranium-lead
geochronology and cosmochronology. A value of 137.88 has previously been considered …
geochronology and cosmochronology. A value of 137.88 has previously been considered …
Environmental analysis of paleoceanographic systems based on molybdenum–uranium covariation
Modern low-oxygen marine systems exhibit patterns of molybdenum–uranium covariation
that can be linked to specific attributes and processes of the depositional system, including …
that can be linked to specific attributes and processes of the depositional system, including …
238U234U230Th232Th systematics and the precise measurement of time over the past 500,000 years
RL Edwards, JH Chen, GJ Wasserburg - Earth and Planetary Science …, 1987 - Elsevier
We have developed techniques to measure the 230 Th abundance in corals by isotope
dilution mass spectrometry. This, coupled with our previous development of mass …
dilution mass spectrometry. This, coupled with our previous development of mass …
Extensive marine anoxia during the terminal Ediacaran Period
The terminal Ediacaran Period witnessed the decline of the Ediacara biota (which may have
included many stem-group animals). To test whether oceanic anoxia might have played a …
included many stem-group animals). To test whether oceanic anoxia might have played a …
The half-lives of uranium-234 and thorium-230
We have re-determined the 234U and 230Th half-lives to be 245,250±490 years (2σ) and
75,690±230 years (2σ), respectively. Using high precision thermal ionization mass …
75,690±230 years (2σ), respectively. Using high precision thermal ionization mass …
High-precision and high-resolution carbonate 230Th dating by MC-ICP-MS with SEM protocols
To facilitate the measurement of U–Th isotopic compositions suitable for high-precision and
high-resolution 230Th dating of coral and speleothem carbonates, secondary electron …
high-resolution 230Th dating of coral and speleothem carbonates, secondary electron …
A reduced estimate of the strength of the ocean's biological carbon pump
A major term in the global carbon cycle is the ocean's biological carbon pump which is
dominated by sinking of small organic particles from the surface ocean to its interior. Several …
dominated by sinking of small organic particles from the surface ocean to its interior. Several …
[КНИГА][B] Quaternary sea-level changes: a global perspective
CV Murray-Wallace, CD Woodroffe - 2014 - books.google.com
There have been significant changes in sea level over the past two million years, and a
complete understanding of natural cycles of change as well as anthropogenic effects is …
complete understanding of natural cycles of change as well as anthropogenic effects is …