Social influence or selection? Peer effects on the development of adolescents' educational expectations in Germany
Educational expectations are a key predictor of educational attainment. Throughout
adolescence, friends increasingly function as 'significant others' and, thus, can affect the …
adolescence, friends increasingly function as 'significant others' and, thus, can affect the …
[HTML][HTML] Social comparison effects on academic self-concepts—which peers matter most?
Social comparisons with peers are important sources of self-development during
adolescence. Many previous studies showed that students' academic self-concepts (ASC) …
adolescence. Many previous studies showed that students' academic self-concepts (ASC) …
Grading in Hungarian primary schools: Mechanisms of ethnic discrimination against Roma students
The present study aims to shed light on the mechanisms of ethnic discrimination in teacher
assessments in Hungarian primary schools. For this purpose, we use data collected among …
assessments in Hungarian primary schools. For this purpose, we use data collected among …
Oppositional culture revisited. Friendship dynamics and the creation of social capital among Turkish minority adolescents in Germany
Ethnic differences in the endowment with social capital can exacerbate intergroup
inequalities. Pursuing this argument, we first compare the educational compositions of …
inequalities. Pursuing this argument, we first compare the educational compositions of …
The dynamics of interethnic friendships and negative ties in secondary school: The role of peer-perceived ethnicity
This study examines ethnic integration in secondary school. Social identity theory suggests
that perception of relevant individual attributes plays a crucial role in defining ingroups and …
that perception of relevant individual attributes plays a crucial role in defining ingroups and …
[HTML][HTML] Peers that count: The influence of deskmates on test scores
Peer effects have been shown to be important for educational development during
adolescence. Peer effect from classmates and friends, nevertheless, could be the target of …
adolescence. Peer effect from classmates and friends, nevertheless, could be the target of …
Studying youth'group identities, intergroup relations, and friendship networks: The friendship and identity in school data
This data brief introduces the Friendship and Identity in School (FIS) dataset. The FIS data
are school-based longitudinal social network data, which have become increasingly …
are school-based longitudinal social network data, which have become increasingly …
Primary school students' attitudes towards peers displaying hyperactivity: Examining impacts of homophily and inter‐group contact on students' social inclusion
Earlier research has indicated that students displaying hyperactivity struggle with their social
inclusion. To foster social inclusion, students' attitudes as well as inter‐group contact have …
inclusion. To foster social inclusion, students' attitudes as well as inter‐group contact have …
Ethnic in-and out-group friendships going into early adolescence: prevalence, quality, stability, and the role of the network structure
The present study sought to investigate the friendship formation of ethnic in-and out-group
friendships, as well as differences in stability and quality, while accounting for the network …
friendships, as well as differences in stability and quality, while accounting for the network …
Local ties that bind: The role of perceived neighborhood cohesion and disorder for immigrants' national identification
Immigrants' identification with the receiving society is a core dimension of their integration
process. Previous research has much focused on the relevance of language acquisition, job …
process. Previous research has much focused on the relevance of language acquisition, job …