Eco-friendly approaches to aquaculture wastewater treatment: Assessment of natural coagulants vis-a-vis chitosan
Aquaculture intensification is providing cheap protein for the populace around the world.
However, the rapid growth of aquaculture is resulting in the production of wastewater which …
However, the rapid growth of aquaculture is resulting in the production of wastewater which …
Potential and limitation of biocontrol methods against vibriosis: a review
The shrimp industry has an urgent challenge of managing the outbreak of diseases majorly
caused by bacteria and viruses. Vibriosis is one of the most common diseases encountered …
caused by bacteria and viruses. Vibriosis is one of the most common diseases encountered …
Chitosan-Ocimum basilicum nanocomposite as a dietary additive in Oreochromis niloticus: Effects on immune-antioxidant response, head kidney gene expression …
Several studies have looked into the use of basil, Ocimum basilicum (L.) in aquaculture as a
dietary additive; however, more research is needed to see the possibility of it's including in …
dietary additive; however, more research is needed to see the possibility of it's including in …
Effect of Pandanus tectorius extract as food additive on oxidative stress, immune status, and disease resistance in Cyprinus carpio
The present study investigated the effect of Pandanus tectorius (PT) extract on Cyprinus
carpio growth, antioxidant capacity, immunological and oxidative stress, immune-related …
carpio growth, antioxidant capacity, immunological and oxidative stress, immune-related …
Guava (Psidium guajava) leaf extract enhances immunity, growth, and resistance against Vibrio parahaemolyticus in white shrimp Penaeus vannamei
This study investigated the effects of guava leaf extract (GLE) on immune responses, growth
performance, and resistance to Vibrio parahaemolyticus in white shrimp (Penaeus …
performance, and resistance to Vibrio parahaemolyticus in white shrimp (Penaeus …
Morinda citrifolia fruit extract enhances the resistance of Penaeus vannamei to Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a gram-negative facultative anaerobic bacterium implicated as
the causative agent of several shrimp diseases. As part of the effort to provide biocontrol and …
the causative agent of several shrimp diseases. As part of the effort to provide biocontrol and …
Carbon sources improve water quality, microbial community, immune‐related and antioxidant genes expression and survival of challenged Litopenaeus vannamei …
The influence of different processed agriculture wastes as carbon sources including
sugarcane bagasse (SCB), rice bran (RB) and rice straw (RS) on water quality, microbial …
sugarcane bagasse (SCB), rice bran (RB) and rice straw (RS) on water quality, microbial …
Application of iron flocculation to concentrate white spot syndrome virus in seawater
The iron flocculation method, which comprises the Fe-virus flocculate formation-filtration-
resuspension steps, is extensively used to concentrate and precipitate viruses distributed in …
resuspension steps, is extensively used to concentrate and precipitate viruses distributed in …
Dietary Cyanus depressus (M. Bieb.) Soják plant extract enhances growth performance, modulates intestinal microbiota, and alters gene expression associated with digestion …
This study aimed to assess the effects of dietary Cyanus depressus (CD) extract on rainbow
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) physiology and health. Fish with an average weight of …
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) physiology and health. Fish with an average weight of …
Role of phytobiotics in modulating transcriptomic profile in carps: a mini-review
Carp is a key aquaculture species worldwide. The intensification of carp farming, aimed at
meeting the high demand for protein sources for human consumption, has resulted in …
meeting the high demand for protein sources for human consumption, has resulted in …