A comprehensive review of renewables and electric vehicles hosting capacity in active distribution networks
The excessive integration of renewable distributed generation (RDG) and electric vehicles
(EVs) could be considered the two most problematic elements representing the greatest …
(EVs) could be considered the two most problematic elements representing the greatest …
[HTML][HTML] Intelligent fuzzy-based controllers for voltage stability enhancement of AC-DC micro-grid with D-STATCOM
Voltage stability and power quality play very effective issues in power systems. This paper
aims to improve the voltage stability and enhance system power quality in the AC-DC micro …
aims to improve the voltage stability and enhance system power quality in the AC-DC micro …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancement of power quality using U-SOGI based control algorithm for DSTATCOM
A Ram, PR Sharma, RK Ahuja - Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2024 - Elsevier
The distributed static compensators (DSTATCOM) are connected at the distribution end to
enhance the quality of power. The performance of DSTATCOM needs to be improved for …
enhance the quality of power. The performance of DSTATCOM needs to be improved for …
Physico-chemical properties and antibacterial activity of Hexakis (Thiocarbamide) Nickel (II) nitrate single crystal
V Revathi, K Karthik - Chemical Data Collections, 2019 - Elsevier
This work investigates the various properties of (Hexakis) Thiocarbamide Nickel (II) Nitrate
(HTNN) single crystal grown by slow evaporation of mixed ethanol and deionized water …
(HTNN) single crystal grown by slow evaporation of mixed ethanol and deionized water …
[HTML][HTML] Development of an efficient vehicle-to-grid method for massive electric vehicle aggregation
The growing adoption of renewable energy and electric vehicles (EVs) has contributed to
environmental sustainability; nevertheless, integration of these products into the power grid …
environmental sustainability; nevertheless, integration of these products into the power grid …
Power quality enhancement of dual stage three phase grid integrated SPV system using sequential neural network-based algorithm
In this paper, a single-layer sequential neural network (SNN) control algorithm has been
proposed for managing the power quality (PQ) in the double-stage three-phase grid …
proposed for managing the power quality (PQ) in the double-stage three-phase grid …
Impact of KNO3 Concentration on Structural Properties, Dielectric and AC Conductivity Response of 80 PEO:20 PVDF Blend Polymer Electrolytes
Due to the limited availability and unequal distribution of lithium resources, a thorough
investigation into the viability and financial feasibility of using lithium as a long-term …
investigation into the viability and financial feasibility of using lithium as a long-term …
[PDF][PDF] Dynamic voltage restorer quality improvement analysis using particle swarm optimization and artificial neural networks for voltage sag mitigation
Power quality is one of the problems in power systems, caused by increased nonlinear
loads and short circuit faults. Short circuits often occur in power systems and generally …
loads and short circuit faults. Short circuits often occur in power systems and generally …
Analysis of Voltage Sag and THD Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer
Despite recent developments in clean energy, microgrid advancements, and power
electronics, the present power system continues to face plenty of issues arising from its …
electronics, the present power system continues to face plenty of issues arising from its …
Performance Investigation and Real-Time Simulation of Unit-Template Technique Controlled DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement
EH Peerzadah, R Perveen… - 2023 10th International …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electrical and Electronic consumers create harmonic burdening of the Power Network
Infrastructure. On the distribution side non-linear loads like classical rectifiers draw non …
Infrastructure. On the distribution side non-linear loads like classical rectifiers draw non …