Psychophysics, fitting, and signal processing for combined hearing aid and cochlear implant stimulation
T Francart, HJ McDermott - Ear and hearing, 2013 - journals.lww.com
In the past, only people who were profoundly deaf in both ears were considered for cochlear
implantation. Nowadays, it is clear that many implant users perform better in perceptual tests …
implantation. Nowadays, it is clear that many implant users perform better in perceptual tests …
Electric and acoustic stimulation in cochlear implant recipients with hearing preservation
C Welch, MT Dillon, HC Pillsbury - Seminars in Hearing, 2018 - thieme-connect.com
Hearing loss affects 30 million people in the United States, and a subset of these patients
have normal low-frequency hearing and ski-sloped high-frequency hearing loss. For these …
have normal low-frequency hearing and ski-sloped high-frequency hearing loss. For these …
Having two ears facilitates the perceptual separation of concurrent talkers for bilateral and single-sided deaf cochlear implantees
Objectives: Listening to speech with multiple competing talkers requires the perceptual
separation of the target voice from the interfering background. Normal-hearing listeners are …
separation of the target voice from the interfering background. Normal-hearing listeners are …
Speech perception and localisation with SCORE bimodal: A loudness normalisation strategy for combined cochlear implant and hearing aid stimulation
T Francart, H McDermott - PLoS One, 2012 - journals.plos.org
A significant fraction of newly implanted cochlear implant recipients use a hearing aid in
their non-implanted ear. SCORE bimodal is a sound processing strategy developed for this …
their non-implanted ear. SCORE bimodal is a sound processing strategy developed for this …
Development of a loudness normalisation strategy for combined cochlear implant and acoustic stimulation
T Francart, HJ McDermott - Hearing research, 2012 - Elsevier
Users of a cochlear implant together with a hearing aid in the non-implanted ear currently
use devices that were developed separately and are often fitted separately. This results in …
use devices that were developed separately and are often fitted separately. This results in …
Application of real-time loudness models can improve speech recognition for cochlear implant users
A Varsavsky, HJ McDermott - IEEE Transactions on Neural …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The aim of cochlear implant (CI) stimulation strategies is to appropriately encode the
important aspects of sound into a pattern of electrical stimulation. Recent research using …
important aspects of sound into a pattern of electrical stimulation. Recent research using …
Benefits of combined acoustic and electric hearing for music and pitch perception
H McDermott - Seminars in Hearing, 2011 - thieme-connect.com
The total number of cochlear implant (CI) recipients worldwide is now approaching 200,000.
Most current CI users attain an adequate ability to understand speech using the implant …
Most current CI users attain an adequate ability to understand speech using the implant …
The effect of nonlinear amplitude growth on the speech perception benefits provided by a single-sided vocoder
JM Wess, JGW Bernstein - Journal of Speech, Language, and …, 2019 - pubs.asha.org
Purpose For listeners with single-sided deafness, a cochlear implant (CI) can improve
speech understanding by giving the listener access to the ear with the better target-to …
speech understanding by giving the listener access to the ear with the better target-to …
Applications of loudness models in audio engineering
D Ward - 2017 - open-access.bcu.ac.uk
This thesis investigates the application of perceptual models to areas of audio engineering,
with a particular focus on music production. The goal was to establish efficient and practical …
with a particular focus on music production. The goal was to establish efficient and practical …
Outcomes of unilateral, bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant users versus normal-hearing listeners on a real-life test battery
MN Alfakhri - 2022 - eprints.soton.ac.uk
Binaural hearing is important for spatial hearing in real-life listening situations, eg, speech
perception in noise, sound localisation, and tracking of moving sounds. Adults with bilateral …
perception in noise, sound localisation, and tracking of moving sounds. Adults with bilateral …