Social forces, social justice, and school attendance problems in youth
School attendance and completion are significant indicators of health and positive
psychosocial development in children and adolescents. School attendance and completion …
psychosocial development in children and adolescents. School attendance and completion …
Using an intersectional lens on vulnerability and resilience in minority and/or marginalized groups during the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative review
Throughout the pandemic, the media and scholars have widely discussed increasing social
inequality and thereby publicly pointed to often hidden and neglected forms of inequality …
inequality and thereby publicly pointed to often hidden and neglected forms of inequality …
On the imperative for reflexivity in school psychology scholarship
Reflexivity, defined as the critical analysis of how one's identity and values influence their
scholarship, has been underscored as a crucial element of antioppressive scholarship …
scholarship, has been underscored as a crucial element of antioppressive scholarship …
Systematic review of the associations of SWPBS with exclusionary discipline and disproportionality in US schools
In response to patterns of educational inequity, many schools implement system-wide
behavioral frameworks to reduce exclusionary discipline. School-wide positive behavior …
behavioral frameworks to reduce exclusionary discipline. School-wide positive behavior …
[КНИГА][B] Building competence in school consultation: A developmental approach
DS Newman, SA Rosenfield - 2018 -
School psychologists consistently indicate that consultation is a crucial component of their
duties but that they lack sufficient opportunities to develop their corresponding knowledge …
duties but that they lack sufficient opportunities to develop their corresponding knowledge …
The concept of intersectionality in bioethics: a systematic review
L Brünig, H Kahrass, S Salloch - BMC Medical Ethics, 2024 - Springer
Background Intersectionality is a concept that originated in Black feminist movements in the
US-American context of the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in the work of feminist scholar and …
US-American context of the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in the work of feminist scholar and …
Teachers survive together: Teacher collegial relationships and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 disrupted the ecology of schools and negatively influenced teacher mental health
and retention. This mixed-methods study investigates the relationship between teacher well …
and retention. This mixed-methods study investigates the relationship between teacher well …
Cultural adaptation of an educator social–emotional learning program to support indigenous students
Supporting Indigenous students' social–emotional learning (SEL) is important given the
systemic impact of colonialism that has contributed to their higher mental health and …
systemic impact of colonialism that has contributed to their higher mental health and …
Social justice and multiculturalism in consultation training: An analysis of syllabi from school psychology programs
HJ Luh, ZC LaBrot, C Cobek, R Sunda… - Journal of Educational …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Training in school-based consultation may encompass instruction on various consultation
models, aims, and work with various partners. However, it is unclear how trainers currently …
models, aims, and work with various partners. However, it is unclear how trainers currently …
Social justice: The unseen key pillar in disaster risk management
L Hamdanieh, C Stephens, A Olyaeemanesh… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Background Injustice in societies affects all phases of disaster risk management (DRM). This
sco** review aims to determine the definition and characteristics of social justice in …
sco** review aims to determine the definition and characteristics of social justice in …