Magnetic reconnection in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas
Magnetic reconnection is a topological rearrangement of magnetic field that converts
magnetic energy to plasma energy. Astrophysical flares, from the Earth's magnetosphere to …
magnetic energy to plasma energy. Astrophysical flares, from the Earth's magnetosphere to …
Pinch sheets and reconnection in astrophysics
SI Syrovatskii - In: Annual review of astronomy and …, 1981 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Magnetic reconnection processes involving the formation and destruction of pinch current
sheets in plasma are a universal phenomenon typical of both laboratory and space plasmas …
sheets in plasma are a universal phenomenon typical of both laboratory and space plasmas …
Particle acceleration in the magnetotail and aurora
This paper deals with acceleration processes in the magnetotail and the processes that
enhance particle precipitation from the tail into the ionosphere through electric fields in the …
enhance particle precipitation from the tail into the ionosphere through electric fields in the …
On the problems of relativistic laboratory astrophysics and fundamental physics with super powerful lasers
The ways toward modeling of astrophysical processes and extreme field regimes with super-
power lasers are discussed. The main attention is paid to the problem of limited similarity in …
power lasers are discussed. The main attention is paid to the problem of limited similarity in …
Thin current sheets in collisionless plasma: Equilibrium structure, plasma instabilities, and particle acceleration
LM Zelenyi, HV Malova, AV Artemyev, VY Popov… - Plasma Physics …, 2011 - Springer
The review is devoted to plasma structures with an extremely small transverse size, namely,
thin current sheets that have been discovered and investigated by spacecraft observations …
thin current sheets that have been discovered and investigated by spacecraft observations …
Sha** of the magnetotail from the mantle: Global and local structuring
M Ashour‐Abdalla, JP Berchem… - Journal of …, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
This paper discusses kinetic modeling of the properties of magnetotail formation from a
plasma mantle source and develops a unified view of the structure of the central part of the …
plasma mantle source and develops a unified view of the structure of the central part of the …
Nonthermal particles and photons in starburst regions and superbubbles
AM Bykov - The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 2014 - Springer
Starforming factories in galaxies produce compact clusters and loose associations of young
massive stars. Fast radiation-driven winds and supernovae input their huge kinetic power …
massive stars. Fast radiation-driven winds and supernovae input their huge kinetic power …
Relativistic laser-matter interaction and relativistic laboratory astrophysics
The paper is devoted to the prospects of using the laser radiation interaction with plasmas in
the laboratory relativistic astrophysics context. We discuss the dimensionless parameters …
the laboratory relativistic astrophysics context. We discuss the dimensionless parameters …
High density collimated beams of relativistic ions produced by petawatt laser pulses in plasmas
Under optimal interaction conditions ions can be accelerated up to relativistic energies by a
petawatt laser pulse in both underdense and overdense plasmas. Two-dimensional particle …
petawatt laser pulse in both underdense and overdense plasmas. Two-dimensional particle …
Collisionless magnetic reconnection in space plasmas
Magnetic reconnection, the merging of oppositely directed magnetic fields that leads to field
reconfiguration, plasma heating, jetting and acceleration, is one of the most celebrated …
reconfiguration, plasma heating, jetting and acceleration, is one of the most celebrated …