[HTML][HTML] A review of algorithms and hardware implementations for spiking neural networks
Deep Learning (DL) has contributed to the success of many applications in recent years.
The applications range from simple ones such as recognizing tiny images or simple speech …
The applications range from simple ones such as recognizing tiny images or simple speech …
Locally active memristor-based neuromorphic circuit: Firing pattern and hardware experiment
Analog circuit implementation of neuron model is an essential category of neuromorphic
circuit since it can reproduce neuron firing patterns and assist in exploring neuron-based …
circuit since it can reproduce neuron firing patterns and assist in exploring neuron-based …
Initial-offset-boosted coexisting hyperchaos in a 2D memristive Chialvo neuron map and its application in image encryption
Designing a low-dimensional discrete map to generate chaotic sequence with the properties
of high randomness and without chaos degradation is an attractive but challenging issue …
of high randomness and without chaos degradation is an attractive but challenging issue …
Firing pattern in a memristive Hodgkin–Huxley circuit: Numerical simulation and analog circuit validation
Spiking firing patterns and their hardware implementation can assist us in exploring spike-
based applications. The classical Hodgkin–Huxley circuit can generate spiking firing …
based applications. The classical Hodgkin–Huxley circuit can generate spiking firing …
Bursting and spiking activities in a Wilson neuron circuit with memristive sodium and potassium ion channels
The marvelous Wilson neuron model involves sodium and potassium ion currents, which
offer great significance in generating firing activities. This paper firstly deduces that the …
offer great significance in generating firing activities. This paper firstly deduces that the …
Memristive electromagnetic induction effects on Hopfield neural network
Due to the existence of membrane potential differences, the electromagnetic induction flows
can be induced in the interconnected neurons of Hopfield neural network (HNN). To express …
can be induced in the interconnected neurons of Hopfield neural network (HNN). To express …
Periodic and chaotic spiking behaviors in a simplified memristive Hodgkin-Huxley circuit
Abstract The famous Hodgkin-Huxley circuit contains two time-varying resistors to describe
the electrophysiological characteristics of sodium and potassium ion channels. But the time …
the electrophysiological characteristics of sodium and potassium ion channels. But the time …
A universal configuration framework for mem-element-emulator-based bionic firing circuits
Bionic firing circuits are beneficial for bionic hardware applications. It is an attractive but
challenging task to design a simple bionic firing circuit to generate spiking and bursting …
challenging task to design a simple bionic firing circuit to generate spiking and bursting …
Digital hardware implementation of Morris-Lecar, Izhikevich, and Hodgkin-Huxley neuron models with high accuracy and low resources
The neuron can be called the main cell of a nervous system that can transmit messages from
one neuron to another neuron or another cell through electrical signals. In neuromorphic …
one neuron to another neuron or another cell through electrical signals. In neuromorphic …
Investigation on vision system: Digital FPGA implementation in case of retina rod cells
The development of prostheses and treatments for illnesses and recovery has recently been
centered on hardware modeling for various delicate biological components, including the …
centered on hardware modeling for various delicate biological components, including the …