Evaluating the effects of climate change on precipitation and temperature for Iran using RCP scenarios
Climate change has caused many changes in hydrologic processes and climatic conditions
globally, while extreme events are likely to occur more frequently at a global scale with …
globally, while extreme events are likely to occur more frequently at a global scale with …
Modeling climate change impact on the Hydrology of Keleta watershed in the Awash River basin, Ethiopia
Regional and local hydrological regimes are significantly vulnerable to global climate
change which threaten water resources and food security of nations. This study investigates …
change which threaten water resources and food security of nations. This study investigates …
Development of a comprehensive framework for assessing the impacts of climate change and dam construction on flow regimes
The undeniable fact of climate change and dam construction alters the hydrological systems
and threatens aquatic ecosystems of rivers around the world. Quantifying the impact of …
and threatens aquatic ecosystems of rivers around the world. Quantifying the impact of …
Development of spatial water resources vulnerability index considering climate change impacts
KS Jun, ES Chung, JY Sung, KS Lee - Science of the total environment, 2011 - Elsevier
This study developed a new framework to quantify spatial vulnerability for sustainable water
resources management. Four hydrologic vulnerability indices–potential flood damage …
resources management. Four hydrologic vulnerability indices–potential flood damage …
Modelling of hydrological and environmental flow dynamics over a central Himalayan river basin through satellite altimetry and recent climate projections
The Himalayan region is vulnerable to climate change, which is triggering extreme
hydrological events. To understand the impact of climate emission scenarios on different …
hydrological events. To understand the impact of climate emission scenarios on different …
Near future flash flood prediction in an arid region under climate change
Flash floods represent a significant threat, triggering severe natural disasters and leading to
extensive damage to properties and infrastructure, which in turn results in the loss of lives …
extensive damage to properties and infrastructure, which in turn results in the loss of lives …
Climate projections and downscaling techniques: a discussion for impact studies in urban systems
M Smid, AC Costa - International Journal of Urban Sciences, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Urban systems are not only major drivers of climate change but also the impact hotspots. In
the context of the planet currently undergoing a process of greenhouse warming, and …
the context of the planet currently undergoing a process of greenhouse warming, and …
A Bayesian beta distribution model for estimating rainfall IDF curves in a changing climate
The estimation of intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves for rainfall data comprises a
classical task in hydrology studies to support a variety of water resources projects, including …
classical task in hydrology studies to support a variety of water resources projects, including …
Quantitative assessment of hydrological alteration caused by irrigation projects in the Tarim River basin, China
L Xue, H Zhang, C Yang, L Zhang, C Sun - Scientific Reports, 2017 - nature.com
Abstract The Tarim River is the longest inland river at an arid area in China. Deterioration in
its ecohydrological system has received much attention world widely. This study presents …
its ecohydrological system has received much attention world widely. This study presents …
The effects of climate change on ecologically-relevant flow regime and water quality attributes
The management of freshwater ecosystems is usually targeted through the regulation of
water quantity (limiting diversions and providing environmental flows) and regulation of …
water quantity (limiting diversions and providing environmental flows) and regulation of …