[PDF][PDF] A brief overview of applications of tree-width and other graph width parameters

T Fujita - preprint (researchgate), 2024 - researchgate.net
Graph theory, a fundamental branch of mathematics, centers on the study of networks
composed of vertices (nodes) and edges, examining their paths, structures, and properties …

Exact exponential algorithms

FV Fomin, P Kaski - Communications of the ACM, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Exact exponential algorithms Page 1 80 coMMunicATions of ThE AcM | MARCh 2013 | Vol. 56
| No. 3 review articles Exact Exponential Algorithms of non-parameterized instances of intractable …

[CARTE][B] Graph structure and monadic second-order logic: a language-theoretic approach

B Courcelle, J Engelfriet - 2012 - books.google.com
The study of graph structure has advanced in recent years with great strides: finite graphs
can be described algebraically, enabling them to be constructed out of more basic elements …

Treewidth computations I. Upper bounds

HL Bodlaender, AMCA Koster - Information and Computation, 2010 - Elsevier
For more and more applications, it is important to be able to compute the treewidth of a given
graph and to find tree decompositions of small width reasonably fast. This paper gives an …

A measure & conquer approach for the analysis of exact algorithms

FV Fomin, F Grandoni, D Kratsch - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2009 - dl.acm.org
For more than 40 years, Branch & Reduce exponential-time backtracking algorithms have
been among the most common tools used for finding exact solutions of NP-hard problems …

Combinatorial optimization on graphs of bounded treewidth

HL Bodlaender, AMCA Koster - The Computer Journal, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There are many graph problems that can be solved in linear or polynomial time with a
dynamic programming algorithm when the input graph has bounded treewidth. For …

Tensor network quantum simulator with step-dependent parallelization

D Lykov, R Schutski, A Galda… - 2022 IEEE …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this work, we present a new large-scale quantum circuit simulator. It is based on the
tensor network contraction technique to represent quantum circuits. We propose a novel …

Treewidth: Structure and algorithms

HL Bodlaender - International Colloquium on Structural Information and …, 2007 - Springer
LNCS 4474 - Treewidth: Structure and Algorithms Page 1 Treewidth: Structure and Algorithms
Hans L. Bodlaender Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, PO …

Digraph measures: Kelly decompositions, games, and orderings

P Hunter, S Kreutzer - Theoretical Computer Science, 2008 - Elsevier
We consider various well-known, equivalent complexity measures for graphs such as
elimination orderings, k-trees and cops and robber games and study their natural …

Treewidth: characterizations, applications, and computations

HL Bodlaender - International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts …, 2006 - Springer
This paper gives a short survey on algorithmic aspects of the treewidth of graphs. Some
alternative characterizations and some applications of the notion are given. The paper also …