High-fidelity steady-state and transient simulations of an MTR research reactor using serpent2/subchanflow

JC Almachi, VH Sánchez-Espinoza, U Imke - Energies, 2022 - mdpi.com
In order to join efforts to develop high-fidelity multi-physics tools for research reactor
analysis, the KIT is conducting studies to modify the coupled multi-physics codes developed …

Full-scale neutronic/thermal–hydraulic coupling analysis of plate-type reactor based on RMC and MOOSE

J Chen, G Liu, S Huang, Y He, M Qiu, K Wang… - Progress in Nuclear …, 2024 - Elsevier
In this paper, a three-dimensional full-scale neutronic/thermal–hydraulic coupled analysis
for the plate-type reactor is proposed based on the Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation …

Simulations of SPERT-IV D12/15 transient experiments using the system code THERMO-T

M Margulis, E Gilad - Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2018 - Elsevier
Best-estimate codes, which couple neutronic and thermal-hydraulic solvers, are mainly used
for safety analyses of nuclear power plants. During the past decade, the application of these …

Neutronic calculations of the IAEA 10 MW MTR benchmark reactor via finite element method using COMSOL multiphysics code

N Xoubi, AY Soliman - Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract A 10 MW MTR benchmark reactor is an idealized pool-type material testing reactor
(MTR) used for comparing computational methods and codes in safety-related calculations …

Heterogeneous model based burnup and its impact on integral parameters of IAEA MTR benchmark

SUD Khan, KS Chaudri - Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Computational benchmarks are an important source for verifying the codes and modeling
methodology in nuclear reactor analysis. The current study aims at utilizing the newly …

Fuel management code system against experimental measurements of the CMRR reactor

G Wang, D Qian, J Ma, R Li, S Yuan, J Leng… - Annals of Nuclear …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The China Mianyang Research Reactor (CMRR), with a thermal power of 20 MW, is
an important high performance research reactor operated in China. In this paper, we …

Development and verification of the dynamic system code THERMO-T for research reactor accident analysis

M Margulis, E Gilad - Nuclear Technology, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The application of best-estimate codes [coupled neutron kinetics (NK)/thermal hydraulics
(TH)] for safety analyses of research reactors (RRs) has gained considerable momentum …

Pin-resolved ultra-fine-group with correction method and its application to plate-type fuel reactor analysis

J Rao, X Peng, Y Yu, Q Li, K Wang - Frontiers in Energy Research, 2023 - frontiersin.org
In order to perform the resonance calculation efficiently and accurately, several pin-resolved
ultra-fine-group methods combining the ultra-fine-group method and Dancoff factor have …

[PDF][PDF] Verification to the RSG-GAS fuel discharge burn-up using SRAC2006 module of COREBN/HIST

J Susilo, TM Sembiring, M Imron… - Jurnal Teknologi Reaktor …, 2018 - core.ac.uk
MODULE OF COREBN/HIST. For 30 years operation, some of the modifications to the RSG
GAS core has been done, that are changes included the type of fuel from U3O8-Al to U3Si2 …

Nuclear physics deterministic code

T Zhang - Nuclear Power Plant Design and Analysis Codes, 2021 - Elsevier
The deterministic method has served as a standardized approach to the neutronics
modeling of nuclear reactors. To get satisfactory computational efficiency and accuracy, the …