High-fidelity steady-state and transient simulations of an MTR research reactor using serpent2/subchanflow
In order to join efforts to develop high-fidelity multi-physics tools for research reactor
analysis, the KIT is conducting studies to modify the coupled multi-physics codes developed …
analysis, the KIT is conducting studies to modify the coupled multi-physics codes developed …
Full-scale neutronic/thermal–hydraulic coupling analysis of plate-type reactor based on RMC and MOOSE
J Chen, G Liu, S Huang, Y He, M Qiu, K Wang… - Progress in Nuclear …, 2024 - Elsevier
In this paper, a three-dimensional full-scale neutronic/thermal–hydraulic coupled analysis
for the plate-type reactor is proposed based on the Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation …
for the plate-type reactor is proposed based on the Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation …
Simulations of SPERT-IV D12/15 transient experiments using the system code THERMO-T
Best-estimate codes, which couple neutronic and thermal-hydraulic solvers, are mainly used
for safety analyses of nuclear power plants. During the past decade, the application of these …
for safety analyses of nuclear power plants. During the past decade, the application of these …
Neutronic calculations of the IAEA 10 MW MTR benchmark reactor via finite element method using COMSOL multiphysics code
N Xoubi, AY Soliman - Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract A 10 MW MTR benchmark reactor is an idealized pool-type material testing reactor
(MTR) used for comparing computational methods and codes in safety-related calculations …
(MTR) used for comparing computational methods and codes in safety-related calculations …
Heterogeneous model based burnup and its impact on integral parameters of IAEA MTR benchmark
Computational benchmarks are an important source for verifying the codes and modeling
methodology in nuclear reactor analysis. The current study aims at utilizing the newly …
methodology in nuclear reactor analysis. The current study aims at utilizing the newly …
Fuel management code system against experimental measurements of the CMRR reactor
G Wang, D Qian, J Ma, R Li, S Yuan, J Leng… - Annals of Nuclear …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The China Mianyang Research Reactor (CMRR), with a thermal power of 20 MW, is
an important high performance research reactor operated in China. In this paper, we …
an important high performance research reactor operated in China. In this paper, we …
Development and verification of the dynamic system code THERMO-T for research reactor accident analysis
The application of best-estimate codes [coupled neutron kinetics (NK)/thermal hydraulics
(TH)] for safety analyses of research reactors (RRs) has gained considerable momentum …
(TH)] for safety analyses of research reactors (RRs) has gained considerable momentum …
Pin-resolved ultra-fine-group with correction method and its application to plate-type fuel reactor analysis
J Rao, X Peng, Y Yu, Q Li, K Wang - Frontiers in Energy Research, 2023 - frontiersin.org
In order to perform the resonance calculation efficiently and accurately, several pin-resolved
ultra-fine-group methods combining the ultra-fine-group method and Dancoff factor have …
ultra-fine-group methods combining the ultra-fine-group method and Dancoff factor have …
[PDF][PDF] Verification to the RSG-GAS fuel discharge burn-up using SRAC2006 module of COREBN/HIST
MODULE OF COREBN/HIST. For 30 years operation, some of the modifications to the RSG
GAS core has been done, that are changes included the type of fuel from U3O8-Al to U3Si2 …
GAS core has been done, that are changes included the type of fuel from U3O8-Al to U3Si2 …
Nuclear physics deterministic code
T Zhang - Nuclear Power Plant Design and Analysis Codes, 2021 - Elsevier
The deterministic method has served as a standardized approach to the neutronics
modeling of nuclear reactors. To get satisfactory computational efficiency and accuracy, the …
modeling of nuclear reactors. To get satisfactory computational efficiency and accuracy, the …